
Loneliness In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

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Loneliness can be a suffocating burden, but the unlikely friendship between two migrant workers, George and Lennie, offers a glimmer of hope in a world where dreams are shattered as quickly as they are formed. However, as their aspirations of owning a farm slip further away, the inevitable tragedy that looms threatens to shatter their bond forever in John Steinbeck's classic novella Of Mice and Men. The author John Steinback wrote the book Of Mice and Men which is a novella with a tragedy genre. John Steinback’s book Of Mice and Men is a novella with a series of events throughout Lennie’s and George’s adventure traveling to achieve their dream. Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck explores the theme of loneliness and the human need for companionship through the unlikely friendship of George and Lennie, highlighting the harsh reality of the American Dream and the fragility of human relationships during the Great Depression. …show more content…

During Lennie’s and George’s travels Lennie says “Tha’s good," he said. "You drink some, George. You take a good big drink." He smiled happily. (4) This quote portrays Lennie looking out for George like a friend as he tells George to take a big sip. This quote shows how Lennie is looking out for George as he tells him to take a big drink for himself after working showing concern.
In addition to Lennie’s great bond with George, Lennie is very loyal to George as he looks up to George as a parent for many reasons. When eating George tells Lennie “His face was concentrated. "I.... I ain’t gonna.... say a word." "Good boy! That’s fine, Lennie! Maybe you’re gettin’ better.”(16). This quote shows that Lennie listens to George like how a child does with their parents. This supports the topic as it shows how they bond together greatly with this connection they

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