
Long And Short-Term Effects Of The Industrial Revolution

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The industrial revolution The Industrial revolution was a period of major mechanization and innovation that began in Great Britain, from 1700s to early 1900s. The industrial revolution initiated a period of great change and advancement that transformed Great Britain from agricultural to an industrial society. There were many discoveries made in the era, having a short term and long-term effects. Such as the Steam engine, perhaps the most important invention in the industrial revolution. The increase of factories and population was instantly occurring because of the products they were making quick and fast. Silk, wool, and linen fabrics were being eclipsed by cotton which became the most important textile. Changes occurred within Industry due …show more content…

Working in a factory system differed greatly from working on a farm. In rural villages, people worked hard, but their work varied according to the season. Life was also hard for poor rural workers who were part of the putting-out system, but at least they worked at their own pace. In the grim factories of industrial towns, workers faced a rigid schedule set by the factory whistle. Working hours were long, with shifts lasting from 12 to 16 hours, six or seven days a week. Workers could only take breaks when the factory owners gave permission. Exhausted workers suffered accidents from machines that had no safety devices. They might lose a finger, a limb, or even their lives. In textile mills, workers constantly breathed air filled with lint, which damaged their lungs. Those workers who became sick or injured lost their jobs. There were more women than men. New jobs took women out 12 hours out of their homes, which they lived in. Working conditions were really harsh and horrible for workers. Men worked all day and received 10 shillings a week (12 cents). And women received half of the pay those men received. (Beck, 2022)

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