
Mob Hysteria In The Crucible

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Mob Hysteria Mob Hysteria, according to the site titled, The Free Dictionary, is defined as “A condition in which a large group of people exhibit similar physical or emotional symptoms, such as anxiety or extreme excitement” (www.thefreedictionary.com). For example, the Holocaust was all about getting rid of the Jews; most people did not understand why they were doing this, but went along with what was occurring because that’s what Hitler told them to do and believed was the correct solution to pursue. The Salem Witch Trials is also linked to Mob Hysteria, which began in 1699, when a couple of girls began to act strangely and many claimed they impacted with the devil. The McCarthy Era, created by Joseph McCarthy, was when Senator McCarthy …show more content…

In the book, the reader sees how individuals accused their loves ones of “compacting with the devil”. For instance, Martha Corey was accused of witchery from her own husband. With this accusation, there was no evidence to be seen, other than what her husband, Giles Corey, suggested; therefore, these accusations were only based on here-say. Martha Corey states, “I am innocent to a witch. I know not what a witch is” (83). This quote demonstrates how an individual could be reproached of something they did not commit and has not a single clue what a “witch” is, but still has what he or she has to say be eradicated from the situation. One recognizes how false accusations results in mob hysteria; furthermore, people fearing the trials in the judicial system, too, created such …show more content…

During the McCarthy Era, those who were summoned to court were questioned without having any evidence. According to the site, Red Scare, it states, “if you were convicted of being communist, your reputation was over” (theredscaremcarthyism.weebly.com). This quote is related to The Crucible because when one is convicted of using witchery; their name is put on the line; you will not been seen the same anymore. Proctor is very undaunted and “confesses” of witchery but the one thing he does not agree with is signing the paper that confesses what he claims he did. He does not want his name to be a remembered as a craven. Although some citizens were indignant towards this situation, citizens trepidated that their name would be remembered even when they are no longer alive and this was a huge example of Mass

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