
My Father's Lunch Poem

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For different people, comparable situations do not always reproduce the same end results or leave the same impressions. Rather, the resulting conclusion is often highly variable. As is the case of two labors featured in the poems, My Father’s Lunch” and “The life of a Digger”. While Erica Funkhouser’s speaker, Henry, experiences injustice and lack of reward for his hard labor in “The Life of a Digger,” Margarita Engle’s speaker experiences prosperity and remuneration for their father’s hard work in “My Father’s Lunch.” Each author uses the setting of a laboring man’s lunch break to demonstrate the ramifications of a hard day’s work and the rewards or lack thereof for their efforts. Author Erica Funkhouser’s speaker, the child of the farm laborer, sets the tone in “My Father’s Lunch,” through their narrative recount of the lunch traditions set by their father preceding the end of a hard days worth of work. The lunch hour was a reward that the children anticipated; “for now he was ours” (14). The children are pleased by the felicity of the lunch, describing the “old meal / with the patina of a dream” (38-39) and describing their sensibilities as “provisional peace” (45). Overall, the tone of the poem is one of a positive element, reinforced by gratitude. In contrast to Funkhouser’s tone, Margarita Engle’s speaker’s tone in …show more content…

It can be inferred through deductive reasoning, however, that the setting also takes place within the content of North America. This is evident because the engineers and foremen are American workers holding superior positions to the minority ethnic group diggers. A cliché reference to America’s history of inequality among different ethnic groups. Also, knowing the speaker is an immigrant helps to suggest he traveled to a developed nation, such as North America, in pursuit of better economic

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