
Night By Eliezer Wiesel: Literary Analysis

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The memoir Night written by Holocaust survivor Eliezer Wiesel is a recollection of the Holocaust. In the memoir Eliezer describes his experience during the height of the Holocaust near the end of the second World War. A time of concentration camps and prejudice on Jews from the Germans/Nazis. In Eliezer’s memoir he uses literary devices to help bring his experience to life for the audience. Using similes, metaphors, irony, symbolism, imagery, and so much more. He gives the audience an experience like no other. Literary devices help show how the Jews of Sighet are in denial of the Nazis threat. The author uses irony, metaphors, and similes to help give the audience something to relate too, what the Jews of Sighet are going through. To help the audience understand what they are going through. For example on page 7, "the quote The German's won't get as far as this. They'll stay in Budapest. . . Before three days had passed, German army cars had appeared in our streets..." is a example of situational irony. This is because the Jews believed the Germans would not get very far and ended up in the streets three days later. The quote tells us how they were in denial of the Germans coming. Another example from the text is on page 7 also, the quote "However, our first impressions of the Germans were most reassuring." This shows dramatic irony. The Jews believed the …show more content…

He uses literary devices to allow the audience to experience what he and the other Jews went through during such a horrific time. Throughout the memoir literary devices helped demonstrate many different struggles and stituations the Jews faced. He shows us how naive, and in denial the Jews were, how he lost faith and all belief in god, and how the prisoners would never give up. Eliezer gives his readers an experience that cannot be forgotten and is like no

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