One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Banned

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Although One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is banned in certain places due to its vulgar language and its explicit language, I truly believe that it shouldn’t be banned. Taking away the right to read a book because it’s seen as inappropriate is just such a terrible thing to do. When you read a book you enjoy, you’re able to imagine all the things that are going on as well as let you creative side out. I understand that this book may not be the most appropriate book for anybody younger than 13, but it should still be open. I get how people may think that little kids will get ideas from this book cause of the things it says, but in all honesty, would little kids really read this book? This book is meant for teenagers and up, as you can see from …show more content…

We need stories!” I agree! Even though they’re inappropriate at times, no author makes a story without there being a lesson, and in this book One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, there’s a whole bunch of lessons. “I ran across the grounds in the direction I remembered seeing the dog go, toward the highway. I remember I was taking huge strides as I ran, seeming to step and float a long ways before my next foot struck the earth. I felt like I was flying. Free (Kesey, pg. 324).” Sure he broke the rules and escaped the hospital, but think about it: when you feel oppressed for so long and that you’re good as dead, you need to do something to change that, because you can choose happiness it’s just a matter of you fighting to get it. That is exactly what Bromden did. Another lesson is when Bromden says “Machines with flaws inside that can’t be repaired (Kesey, pg. 16).” When Bromden states this, he’s talking about how the doctors and aides view the Chronics. When I read that quote, I actually stopped and thought about myself, then I began to laugh. Everybody that is just too difficult to change or get rid of, does that mean we’re all crazy and deserve to go to a mental hospital? Reading that quote made me realize that I can’t always fix my flaws and that sometimes I just have to accept it and hope the person I fall in love with in the future accepts it as well. These two

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