
Personal Narrative: My Eagle Scout Project

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The transition from childhood to adulthood occurs when an individual is able to recognize the impact he or she can leave upon their community, gaining life skills doing so. An accomplishment that marked my transition from childhood to adulthood, would be best demonstrated by the process and completion of a leadership responsibility when I performed my Eagle Scout Project. I joined the scouting program when I was very young, and have been very active since ever. Becoming an Eagle Scout has many challenges that a young Boy Scout must undertake, including the completion of a community-based project, which is an important step in obtaining this notable rank. The Eagle Scout Project is designed for the scout to learn different leadership responsibilities. The project allows the scout to have practice with difficult situations to give the young man experience in life lessons. My community-based project was …show more content…

This project taught me multiple life lessons. These lessons included concepts such as communication skills, detailed planning, leadership, and vital importance of keeping a commitment. My Eagle Scout Project has given me experiences, and vital practice with skills that most seventeen-year old’s do not receive until later in life. The project has helped me grow and mature as a person. Working through this project has provided me with experiences with managerial responsibilities that I can use later in my life. Overall, the entire process of my Eagle Scout Project has truly marked my transition from being a child to a young adult. My Eagle Scout Project has given me the privilege of helping my community. I learned what it truly takes to perform a project, start to finish. My passage from childhood to adulthood was demonstrated by my dedication and commitment throughout this project, which has shown me the potential I have to make a difference in my

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