Pros And Cons Of The Articles Of Confederation

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When the founders developed and drafted the U.S. Constitution, much contemplation and reflection was put into it. In Benjamin Franklin’s Address of Prayer he explains how different forms of government had been examined to create the best government possible. “We have gone back to ancient history for models of government, and examined the different forms of those Republics” (Palmer, 68). The Articles of Confederation were drafted during the Revolution in a time of crisis to unite the States, but it had many faults and was not strong enough to maintain the nation’s unity. Drafters of the Constitution saw many problems with the Articles of Confederation. Under the Articles, there was little authority in government, Congress could request money from States, however they had no power to tax them. A unanimous approval from …show more content…

After the war against Britain, the people of America hesitant in accepting the new Constitution because many felt they would surrender their liberties to a body not chosen directly by them, and feared it had the ability to become corrupt and oppressive. “Is it to be thought that the people of America, so watchful over their interests; so jealous of their liberties, will give up their all, will surrender both the sword and purse t the same body… they never will. They never ought” (Palmer, 67).Two political parties emerged which were Federalists and Antifederalists. Antifederalists opposed the ratification of the Constitution and wanted the states to have more power than the central government. On the other hand, Federalists advocated for the ratification of the Constitution and wanted the federal government to be superior to state government in some ways. A Bill of Rights was demanded by the smaller states to ratify the Constitution to ensure liberties. It took almost a year until the new government was put in motion on October 10, 1788.