
Purple Hibiscus Essay

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The fourth book, Purple Hibiscus, revolves around the lack of freedom of speech of individuals within a family. Papa is considered to be a “God” in their community and he uses his superiority to his advantage. He denies Mama, Jaja and Kambili their freedom of speech and their right to have their own opinions. The journalist, Ade Coker, makes comment that the children are "always so quiet". The children, having been brought up this way, for one, lie to Papa about his factory's new drink saying they like it, even when they do not. This comes much to the surprise of their cousins, who live in a home where individuality is commended rather than frowned upon. On the other hand, Jaja and Kambili know that to keep their Papa happy and to avoid physical punishment, they should agree with every word that comes out of his mouth. When Jaja and Kambili are able to visit their Aunt Ifeoma and cousins in Nsukka, they experience what it is like to live in a household where there are contrasting viewpoints and a family of people, each with their own wonderful thoughts and opinions. Jaja and Kambili are free to be outspoken and through this, develop passions that grow them as people. Jaja becomes interested in gardening and Kambili falls in love with Father …show more content…

In The Last Night of the World, many rhetorical questions are used which provoke questions in the reader's mind, making the book feel more like a conversation than a piece of writing. Readers are able to come up with their own conclusions as to what they should do if it was their last day on this earth. In The Gift of the Magi, short sentences are used with fewer words to keep the reader interested. The author also uses phrases such as "dear friends" as if referring personally to the reader of the book and giving it a fable-like

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