
A Slacker And Delinquent In Basketball Shoes Analysis

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Even time, one of the most seemingly constant things in life is relative. Within this relative space is queer time. The queer movement has had its own timeline and relationship with time both within and outside of the dominant timeline. Unlike in the dominant culture in which one’s past remains in the past and the future is always progress, queer time constantly looks simultaneously forward and backward, appreciating the importance of the past for the creation of the future. This more fluid definition of time is demonstrated through editing and framing in “Hollywood Je T’aime” and the historical basis of “A Slacker and Delinquent in Basketball Shoes” as is the idea that people are not forgotten, simply because they are in the past. After coming to Hollywood and after a few short interactions becoming acquainted with Hollywood, one of the first places Jerome actually settles in Hollywood is Norma’s house. Before Jerome, Norma, and Kaleesha even leave the bar, Norma says that her home has “always been a short term refuge for lost souls”. This establishes …show more content…

Rather than the simple linear progression of cause and effect and forgetting and moving on from the past, the characters constantly look forward and backward, continually changing while remembering and integrating both their own history and the totality of queer history. Though this seems unique, it is simply a small part of a larger queer time that does not fit within a strictly linear sense of time, as discussed by Raquel (Lucas) Plantero Méndez in “A Slacker and Delinquent in Basketball Shoes”. In both of these instances, the past becomes an integral part of not only one’s own history, but also one’s present and future. Remembering one’s own past or refusing to forget those who have passed becomes an act of resistance against a dominant culture that encourages constant

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