
Ralph Timberlake Research Paper

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The malicious officials of the United States Postal Service are depriving Disabled Veteran Ralph Timberlake of home and property mail delivery service at 2117 Atkins Drive, Huntsville, Alabama 35810. Disabled Veteran Timberlake has requested information pursuant to the denial of the United States Postal Service’s home and property delivery to 2117 Atkins Drive, Huntsville, Alabama, to no avail. Disabled veteran Timberlake has requested an impartial due process hearing, again his request was ignored. Editor, do not property owners and homeowners have a right to receive United States Postal Service’s home and property mail delivery service, under the Private Express Statute, as their next door neighbors? Editor, is it not a question of equity? …show more content…

Specialist Guadalupe, the officials of Wallace state community college in Hanceville, Alabama are interpolating and misinterpreting the Aviation and Transportation Security Act and the Alien Flight Student Program regulations and their tenet to harry, vex, and deny student Ralph Timberlake entrance in its Flight Technology Program’s courses. Nevertheless, Wallace State Community College’s officials rebuffed Airman Timberlake’s application for entrance in ground school to abominably, to maliciously, and to unlawfully discriminate against him because of his race (Black), and his national origin (United States of America). Consequently, Wallace State Community College’s officials are illegitimately and discriminatory refuse to enroll Airman Timberlake in its Flight Technology Program courses. The unlawful denial of Airman Timberlake’s enrollment application is inhibiting his opportunity to receive needed college credits toward his pursuit of a college degree in

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