
Rebellion In The Handmaid's Tale

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There are two ways people will react to when their freedom is taken away. They will either accept it or rebel against it, which is what a lot of the female characters in Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale accomplished. Shown through Offred’s repetition of certain events, Moira’s tone of being a fighter, and Serena Joy’s desperation, the reader can see that lack of freedom leads to rebellion. Offred, the novel’s narrator, now lives in a world where women are powerless. She has had her freedom taken away, and at times follows the rules, but ends up rebelling in many powerful ways. Furthermore, one act of rebellion was when she goes to the Commander’s office and he says, “‘I’d like you to play a game of Scrabble with me’” (Atwood 138). Not only is Offred breaking the rules by being with the Commander, she also …show more content…

The Commander’s wife, Serena Joy, is shown to be living a horrible life, and we can see she despises Offred. In fact, through an act of desperation, Serena tells Offred, “ I was thinking of Nick” (Atwood 205). Serena previously had said that maybe the Commander couldn’t have kids. She then does something risky by suggesting Offred sleep with Nick, to see if she then gets pregnant. By Serena’s actions, we can tell she desperately wants a baby, so that way Offred can leave as soon as possible. Furthermore, it is nonexistent to think or say that the men are the sterile ones. As a sign of reassurance, Serena gives Offred a picture of her daughter. She can still get in trouble, for she tells Offred, “ I have to return it, before they know it’s missing” (Atwood 228). Serena is risking herself, considering she could be in danger if caught with a picture of someone’s child, not being able to say it’s Offred’s. It’s insane how Serena Joy, being the least in danger, still commits rebellious acts as a way to get what she

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