Reflective Essay On Pain

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“The only way to answer our problems is to first have our problems, fully and completely, whatever they may be (p.11).” This sentence stood out to me while reading Germer’s book. More often than not, we try to bypass our issues, not wanting to deal with them head on. No one likes to experience pain, fear, anger, or any of the emotions that we view as negative. However, one of the most important lessons Germer teaches is that pain is just as important to our lives as pleasure is. If we can accept that fact, embrace the pain for what it is, and learn to be kind to ourselves, we will all be much happier people. This concept was mind boggling the first time I read it. I had spent the last four years trying to block out both the physical and emotional pain associated with my autoimmune disease. I wasn’t quick to believe anything the book said. The more I read, however, the more my thinking shifted. Germer’s ideas on pain and suffering came down to a simple formula: pain x resistance = suffering (p.15). The pain in the equation can be caused by anything--physical or emotional pain. It’s described as simply some form of unavoidable …show more content…

I suffer from a lifetime of negative self-talk habits and too much self-judgement. Even with the experience of working on self-acceptance before taking this class, I didn’t have the tools to truly work towards mindfulness. While there are many practices and concepts that I have learned from this class that have helped me along my journey, the ideas of resisting leading to suffering, the practice of softening, and the practice of loving-kindness have been my true saviors. I genuinely believe that these ideas will stick with me for the remainder of my life. When times get tough and I begin to shut even myself out, I know that these practices can help center me again. While it may not always be easy to practice mindfulness, the journey of self-discovery makes it a meaningful

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