
Rhetorical Analysis Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Yemisrach Reta
ENG 121-340
Professor Ashley Waterman
11 pril 2017
Rhetorical Analysis of the Essay “Is Google Making Us Stupid”
In “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” Nicholas Carr uses some evidences in his argument in order to convince the idea of the other people . I believe Carr’s argument is effective because he starts explaining how he feels when he is reading a book and immersing himself in a book. However now, because he uses Internet a lot, he loses his focus of attention after reading some pages. He compares about the past reading ability with the present like “The deep reading that used to come naturally has become a struggle” (Carr 57). Carr also tells that he is not the only one who is getting a trouble with reading. Instead, he believes …show more content…

Carr’s essay is not biased because he appreciates some points of the web as a writer, and he says “The web has been a godsend to me as a writer” (57). He explains his idea briefly about how we read by using ethos to show his audience that he is a credible source. For example, he tells his past reading ability by telling the reader that his mind would engaged in the narrative or the argument, he would give much time in reading long articles. To expand his idea, he said “That is rarely the case anymore. Now my concentration often starts to drift after two or three pages” (57). He mentions other people similar experiences in his argument. To illustrate, he mentioned Bruce Friedman, a blogger, as he lost his ability to read and grasp the idea of the longish article. He treats opposing views fairly, by employing an appropriate tone. He also uses pathos by comparing the differences of the past and the present and how he feels not only himself, but others as well and the way they are able to focus due to the growing nature of the web. He is tries to show his struggle to the reader. Carr says “…I can feel it, too” (57). Then, he mentioned the research from different credited writers who feel the same he does about the impact of the web to appeal the audience in and persuade them that the internet is causing mainly problems by saying “I am not the only one” (Carr 58). He also clearly states the idea that users are …show more content…

He believes that internet makes us less deep thinker because of its easiness. He uses ethos by showing several researches and essays as a source to make his essay powerful and to make a connection of his point and character with the audience. He also uses a pathos to appeal to the audiences’ imagination to pull them in to show what he experienced by comparing his past and present ability of reading. To convince an audience by use of logic or reason, Carr uses logos by citing several credited authors their ideas about the impact of the internet in our way of reading, thinking and way of living. In terms of the impact of internet on how we read, Carr believes that people do not read the entire article and it is seen that they bounce from page to page, losing focus quickly with reading on the web. He uses this idea because the reader can relate to it, like himself. Carr also explains about because of the easiness of the internet, it makes people full of artificial knowledge when he writes about the impact of the internet on the way how we think. He elaborates on how the growing technology affects the human life and their culture. He mentions Foreman’s life experience with related to how his life is surrounded by the internet. Carr’s essay is free from bias because he

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