
Rhetorical Devices Used In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?

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"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?", "The Veldt", and "Story of an Hour" are all short stories where the author uses rhetorical devices to convey their themes and messages. By using techniques like imagery, symbolism, and foreshadowing, and other devices, these stories draw the reader in and keep them engaged. Each of these stories uses rhetorical devices to create a lasting impression on the reader.

"The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin is a story that employs several different rhetorical devices to express the author’s themes and ideas. One device is irony, which is used throughout the story to create a sense of tension in the piece. For example, when Louise Mallard hears the news that her husband has died, she is described as feeling "a monstrous joy" (266). This is ironic because Louise is supposed to be grieving …show more content…

One of the most prominent devices is symbolism, which is used to represent the themes of the story. For example, the way that Arnold Friend's car is described as being "painted gold"(66) and being "jalopy"(66) symbolizes his predatory nature and his desire to coax Connie away from her home. Another device that Oates uses is foreshadowing, which is used to hint at the danger that Connie is in. For example, when Connie is sitting in the car with Arnold, she notices that "the big empty parking lot"(66) seems to be pressing against her. This foreshadows the fact that she is about to be taken away to a remote location. Finally, Oates uses irony when Connie tells Arnold that he is "crazy"(72) and he responds by saying that she is the one who is "crazy"(72). This is ironic because it is clear to the reader that Arnold is the one who is truly unstable. Overall, "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is a work of fiction that employs several different rhetorical devices to create a haunting

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