
Rhetorical Analysis

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Past leaders such as Andrew Jackson, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Marc Antony are evidence that society does not reward morality and good character in leadership. Society is drawn to leaders that have good rhetoric, propaganda, and charismatic personalities, and society supports them despite their immorality. Society is concerned about stability more than the morality of their leaders and will support immoral leaders in times of crisis to provide stability. In history there have been multiple leaders that have used rhetoric, propaganda and charismatic personalities to gain power, despite their morals. Leaders such as Andrew Jackson, Adolf Hitler, and Marc Antony. Although these leaders have ruled at different times in history and different …show more content…

"Hitler's Propaganda Machine."). Hitler's book “Mein Kampf” contained “a clear statement of Hitler’s goals”(Ronald M. Smelser) but also served as propaganda for his party and regime. Propaganda was an important tool for the Nazis to have because “they cleverly manipulated the fears and weaknesses of each group” which helped them consolidate even more power. By preying on the peoples fear through propaganda they turned to Hitler and the Nazi party to protect them. Nazi propaganda also made the state look stronger and moral while in actuality Hitler and the Nazis were not moral. Furthermore past leaders have used rhetoric in their quest for power. Rhetoric is defined as “The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing”(Oxford dictionary). Orators and compelling leaders use rhetoric to influence their audience. Marc Antony in “The tragedy of Julius Caesar” uses rhetoric beautifully to sway the Romans from Brutus’s side to his. “You all did see that on the Lupercal. I thrice presented him a kingly crown,Which he did thrice refuse. Was this ambition? Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, And, sure, he is an honorable man”(Act III, Scene ii). As illustrated above Marc Antony was an …show more content…

There has been historical precedent for this, for instance, Calvin Coolidge was a moral and dignified president. Calvin Coolidge’s presidency was during the roaring twenties a time of “dynamic social and cultural change, materialism and excess”, of isolationist policies and peacetime. Although the previous “Harding administration corruption scandals”(Coolidge, Calvin, 2001) made the American people lose faith in the government, Coolidge’s sense of morality “provided a model of stability and respectability for the American people”. However, Coolidge’s reputation as “Silent Cal” was not always helpful. President Coolidge's “laissez-faire policies also contributed to the economic problems that erupted into the Great Depression”. Despite the fact that he was a moral and honorable president his policies of noninterference in big business hurt more than they helped. Ultimately having good morals does not determine if you will be a good leader or

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