
Romeo And Juliet Impulsive Quotes Analysis

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“Impulsiveness is the enemy of all deep thought”-Anonymous. Throughout Romeo and Juliet, this quote is implemented, as the characters are driven by their strong emotions. Shakespeare institutes this theme of strong emotions leading to impulsiveness, in order to showcase the lack of maturity present in Shakespeare’s society. He does so by way of both Lord Capulet and the Friar’s actions, as well as the Prince’s threats and punishments.
Shakespeare utilizes Lord Capulet’s impulsive decisions driven by strong emotions, which in turn exhibits obvious immaturity. “But, an you will not wed, I’ll pardon you! Graze where you will, you shall not house with me” (Shakespeare 169). This quotation showcases strong emotions, as Capulet falls into obvious, …show more content…

This society is incredibly sexist, and as a result men are praised and prioritized. As a result, Capulet is used to being in charge, and able to control his family affairs. When Juliet rejects him, Capulet feels as though he has lost that control, something he is not used to due to this society, and as a result falls into a fit of rage. Moving on, Capulet continues reveal his immaturity through his conversation with Tybalt. As Tybalt learns of Romeo’s presence, Capulet butts in on Tybalt’s violent plans, proclaiming, “Be quiet, or - More light, more light! - for shame, I’ll make you quiet” (Shakespeare 57). This quote exemplifies the theme. Firstly, one can easily come to the conclusion that Capulet has allowed his anger to overcome him, and as a result, he impulsively makes somewhat violent threats towards his own cousin. This again has much to do with the control Capulet is used to having. Throughout his life, being a lord, which has allowed him to do what he wants, he is not used to the control being taken out of his hands. As a result, the smallest threat to his plan of a peaceful party, in this case being Tybalt, enrages Capulet to the point of threatening to ‘silence’ him, by …show more content…

Determined to marry Juliet, Romeo states his case to the Friar, in hopes of marrying them. The friar agrees to do so, reasoning, “For this alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households’ rancor to pure love” (Shakespeare 89).Throughout the scene, Friar Lawrence showcases a strong emotion driving him to make this decision: hope. The friar is obviously hopeful of what this marriage can bring to Verona, in terms of a peace between the Capulets and Montagues. However, the Friar most obviously agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet solely based off of that hope, and does so impulsively. One can easily see that the Friar does not think of the possible consequences of the union, the worst of which seem to transpire of the rest of the book. This lack of forethought in an important situation is a key sign of immaturity. The Friar is allowed to be immature, though, because of an enhanced reliance of church in this time period/society. For example, in Elizabethan Society, Catholics would burn Protestants for following the wrong denomination. This highlights the strong beliefs towards the church. So, in a setting like Verona, with a prominent church, no one would dare oppose the town’s only holy figure. With a lack of opposition throughout life, the Friar has no real atonement for his mistakes, as seen when he is seen near Juliet’s new grave, and faces no

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