
Seperation And Confusion In The Book Night

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In Elie Wiesel’s novel Night, he displayes a theme of desperation and confusion. It tells the story of the Jewish race from the point of view of a teenage boy. Their family then gets split, so the sister and the mother go to one concentration camp and the brother and the dad go to another. When they arrive to the camp, they get split into different sleeping quarters. Throughout the rest of their journey, they experience hardship and torture as in having to be “Pressed tightly against one another, in effort to resist the cold,” (Wiesel 98). This portrays the awful conditions that the Jews had to bear in the concentration camps. Elie Wiesel woke up one morning to looking down to his father's cot and seeing “there lay another sick person. They …show more content…

In Eve Bunting’s “The Terrible Things”, the German Soldiers during the Holocaust are portrayed as “The terrible Things” and the civilians, or different races, were portrayed as different animals. The terrible things would come to the animals forest and take one family of animals at a time. Every time a certain group of animals were taken, the other animals just ignored because it wasn’t them. By the time that there was only one animal left, the rabbit, she realized that she should've done something about it. This relates to the theme statement because the animals were very baffled and confused about what was happening, just like the Jews in the Holocaust. In Martin Niemoller's poem, First They Came for the Communists, Niemoller talks about how every time the German Army comes for different groups of people, one by one. And every time they come, Niemoller says he “did not speak out” because “I was not a communist” or because “I was not a Socialist” and so on (Qtd in Niemoller). By the time everyone else was gone, there was no one left to speak out when “they came for me” (Qtd in

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