
Should Physician-Assisted Suicide Be Encouraged?

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Should Physician-Assisted Suicide be Encouraged?

For several years, physicians and patients have argued that a legal form of suicide should be legalized. Many of the patients who support this idea are in critical condition and for many of the physicians, this is their last resort. While some support this idea, others argue that this is not a logical stance to take. The concept that has swept and divided the nation is perceived as “Assisted Suicide”. The intent of Assisted Suicide is to eliminate the pain and suffering of a patient by in a sense being able to “Die with Dignity.” (Endlink3) However, this idea violates the morals of others, sends a negative message to individuals who are struggling,and terminates the possibility of the situation …show more content…

Once the treatment is applied, the chances of the situation ever getting better are terminated completely. Many are not understanding that this is a permanent decision. (Winters1) Though this method eliminates pain and suffering, it also eliminates the individual as well. (To Live Each Day with Dignity4) There are various reasons why one would request this option. Some fear that they are a burden to others, suffer in the future, or will experience a loss of control. Others request this to get away from the physical suffering, spiritual suffering, and psychological suffering. In fact, psychological suffering is the most common request from patients. (Endlink1,2) However, if the idea is somehow vanished from the patient’s mind, the chance of the situation getting better could be increased …show more content…

They believe that when they resort to this option that they beat the illness by not letting it consume their lives. With this being said, Assisted Suicide shows weakness to onlookers. Another argument that is commonly used is that the it is the patient’s choice. This is an acceptable statement. However, many times the patient might abuse the privilege of having this option. As stated before, many patients who request this treatment are suffering from depression or anxiety. (Endlink6) If legalized, the everyday issues America is constantly battling would only increase.

As the constant clash of those who support and those who oppose Assisted Suicide continues, several people are finding out the dangers and risks using this treatment creates. People are not commonly resorting to this option because of the morals that are disregarded, the negative message that is projected, and because they know how precious life is. As a result, people are hesitant to use this. It is important to remember that no matter how bad an individual is struggling, life is always worth

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