
Similarities Between A Sound Of Thunder And Harrison Bergeron

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Through Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” and Kurt Vonnegut Jr’s “Harrison Bergeron”, give us two different stories about societies in a dystopian future and the consequences of what the future may or not await us. Dystopian literature has long been a popular genre that imagines dark and oppressive futures where societal norms and values are twisted, and the human condition is questioned. Ray Bradbury's "A Sound of Thunder" and Kurt Vonnegut Jr's "Harrison Bergeron" are two short stories that go into dystopian visions of the future. While both stories share common themes, they also have different perspectives on the consequences of technology, the dangers of government control, and the impact on individuals and society. This essay will provide …show more content…

In "A Sound of Thunder," the use of time travel technology leads to unintended consequences when Eckels, a time traveler, steps off the designated path and crushes a butterfly in the past, resulting in a chain of events that dramatically alters the present and future (Bradbury). This highlights the butterfly effect and the unpredictable consequences of tampering with the natural order of things. In "Harrison Bergeron," advanced technology is used by the government to suppress the unique qualities of individuals, imposing handicaps on them to achieve a forced and unnatural equality, which ultimately results in a dehumanizing society where individuality is removed altogether (Vonnegut).
Both stories warn against the negative impact of uncontrolled or misused technology on society and reveal the consequences behind …show more content…

On the other hand, "Harrison Bergeron" has a satirical and darkly humorous tone, using exaggeration and absurdness to poke at societal norms and values (Vonnegut).
Another way both stories differ is by their use in government control, "A Sound of Thunder" primarily focuses on the consequences of time travel and its impact on the present and future (Bradbury). In contrast, "Harrison Bergeron" specifically emphasizes the government's oppressive control and manipulation of individuals to achieve perfect equality (Vonnegut).
Another way both stories differ is in the protagonists and conflict. In "A Sound of Thunder," the protagonist is Eckels, a time traveler who disrupts the past and faces the consequences of his actions by unintentionally destroying a butterfly, creating the paradox of the same name(Bradbury). Alice Hoffman from Ploughshares mentions that "A Sound of Thunder" predates chaos theory, often called the butterfly effect…In principle, if a butterfly moves its wings in one corner of the globe, it can affect the weather across the world. Every cause has an effect, no matter how small.” Although maybe time travel may not be possible, the theory still applies to the modern day, where actions still have consequences

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