
Similarities Between My Bondage And My Freedom And The Story Of An Hour

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How free is free? The purpose of realism in the 1800s was to get people’s attention. The authors did that by relating to real life situations or adding in things people wanted or needed. For example, Frederick Douglass wrote My bondage And my freedom and Kate Chopin wrote “ The story of an hour”. Both authors included the point that people wanted to be free. When they both got what they wanted, they were not really free. The authors used methods to draw their points across by using conflict and irony. The author Frederick Douglass used conflict in his story My bondage and My freedom to get his point across that free isn’t free. The quote from the story “Nature had made us friends; slavery made us enemies”. This shows there was conflict between the master and the slaves. The master took away freedom from the people and made them slaves. Although Frederick Douglass at the time was free from the abuse often seen in slavery, he wasn’t free from his mind. He still has flashbacks and things that scared him forever. The quote “The feeding and clothing me well, could not atone for taking my liberty from me. The smiles of my mistress could not remove the sorrow that dwelt in my young …show more content…

Her main character Mrs.Mallard was not very independent but not in a happily marriage. Women couldn’t do much without their husbands saying so. In the story, Mrs. Mallard's husband “dies” So she gets all happy and thinks she is finally free. The irony was when she thought she was free, her husband walks through the door. Then she dies from heart disease.This is clear in the story where it states: “but Richard was too late. When the doctors came in they said she had died from heart disease — of joy that kills!”. The irony shows that women in the 1800s had it bad from where they couldn’t do anything. The time when they do, everything goes wrong and freedom is

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