
Standardization And Strict Rule Of The Han Dynasty

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The standardization and strict rules from the QIn Dynasty helped lead the Han Dynasty in many ways. The most significant way was by beliefs. In the Qin dynasty, Emperor Shi Huangdi believed in Legalism, where everybody is bad by nature and guilty until proven innocent. On the other hand, Emperor Liu Bangi believed in Confucianism, where respect and freedom where the main beliefs and people were innocent until proven guilty. Due to the big contrast, I believe that Han Dynasty was a success because the people were not used to being lead in a more superior way.

As well as the two separate beliefs, I believe that the goal of what to achieve was different, causing the Han Dynasty to stand out more. The Qin Dynasty’s achievements were to build a stronger and more efficient army. To do so, they improved the transportation and built the Great Wall. Shi Huangdi made many inventions to help people, including the Silk Road which was used to trade with others in order to receive acceptance, money, information, and trust. The more acceptance the people got, they were trusted more. If the Qin Dynasty wasn’t there at the beginning to standardize weights and currency, the Silk Road would have not been able to be a success. …show more content…

Emperor Shi Huangdi made scholars burn books and would torture or kill them if they dissented. Although, Emperor Liu Bandgi was against it. He believed that education was a very important factor to life. Once again, if Emperor Shi Huangdi wasn’t so strict to the scholars and people in the first place, the people in the Han Dynasty would have had nothing to look back on to claim that Emperor Liu Bandgi was

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