
Suffrage In America During The 1920's

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In America during the 1920s, there were many positive and negative aspects of living in it. First, I will start with women. In the book when it says, “Wilson made an unprecedented appearance before the Senate to urge ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, which banned sexual discrimination in voting.” The right to vote in the United States was permanent, however finally giving women the right to vote in elections. During World War I, President Wilson promoted democracy contentiously, but this anti-democratic elimination of women’s rights went against his plan, so he promoted suffrage as a “vitally necessary war measure,” so Wilson pushed for suffrage and after 143 years, women became equal members in the political process. Between suffrage …show more content…

In the text it says “...the ensuing recession brought layoffs and plummeting agricultural prices.” This thriving era actually started with an economic cry because the transition from war to peacetime was tough on labor unions, that had grown solid during the war, fought to continue the strikes of 1919 like the one of all of the American steel industry. These strikes affected many consumers and workers, but the employers held strong against the workers’ demands. After this, the all the strikes collapsed because of the abundant threat of violence. In the book when it says “...Want and buy the great cornucopia of things that were suddenly available as a result of the mass production and the growing efficiency of industry.” Demand for the new products of the era was awakened by advertising and through new media like radio. Sponsorships made the industry grow through ideal conformity with the appearing industries of mass culture. The rise of broadcasting and reproduction of studio-linked movie theaters built the development of a powerful nationwide mass culture.“The European nations, dependent upon a brisk trade with the United States as well as American loans and credits, had been hard hit by the liquidity crisis after the crash.” Although, the “Great Crash” affected a small group of Americans who had stock at the time, consequent decline in industrial production caused a country-wide economic plunge extraordinary in its …show more content…

The swift pace of change during the era incited a repercussion amidst those left behind by modernity like the farmers that received no economic gains from the new industry, traditional moralists angry about flappers and speakeasies, Christian fundamentalists annoyed by Darwinian objection to the literal word of the bible, nativists overrun by immigrants. All these disagreements made conflict between tradition and modernity. A failed doctor named William J. Simmons coordinated a new Klan in Atlanta, declaring it to the world by a great fiery cross up on Stone Mountain. Simmons new KKK spread around America in the era, enhancing the most critical agent for a traditional politics that was not just anti-black but also anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, anti-Communist, anti-alcohol, anti-immigration, anti-sex, and anti-science.”In 1921, Congress, at the urging of the resurgent Ku Klux Klan...Passed the Emergency Immigration Act, which restricted immigration…” The Klan won basic control of some state governments, in turn there were an estimated four million paid members of the KKK. The popularity of the KKK exposed the intensity of traditional resistance to the quick social and cultural changes constructed by the roaring era.”What would have been a simple misdemeanor trial lasting but a few hours was transformed into a major media event, and Scopes became all but an afterthought because of the high-profile players attracted to the case.” Maybe the single

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