
Summary Of Is Google Making USupid By Nicholas Carr

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Nicholas Carr in his article “Is Google Making Us Stupid,” explains that humans are being programed to process information like a machine, which is making us lose the ability to think for ourselves and losing our humanity. He uses a lot of bias sources in his writing about the “programing” that google is doing; which leads me to disagree with his assessment of google and what it is doing to us. My synopsis of his article is that google, or technology, is not making us programed to take in information at face value and losing our humanity because we are relying on it; but rather, google and technology is letting us embrace our humanity through our creation of technology by letting our individual thoughts be enhanced by giving us access to other …show more content…

But it also took something away.” He goes on to say that “in deciding when to eat, to work, to sleep, to rise, we stopped listening to our senses and started obeying the clock.” He is basically arguing that because we rely on technology so much, we are becoming programed to wake up when technology tells us and not when our body tells us to; ultimately, eliminating our humanity in the programing process done by technology. He further develops the case that multiple messages are brought through ads and such telling us what to focus on and distracting our minds from full attention on what we desired to fully concentrate. Carr is combining two theories of mediated communication: “Agenda Setting” and “Framing Theory”. The first believes that media does not tell us what to think but what to think about. The latter states that media creates the paradigms with which we view reality. In other words, it filters the reality but doesn’t produce it. Although there is no doubt that the internet does affect us this way, it is the degree into how it influences that is up for debate. It seems unclear to argue that the new technology is detrimental to us but the old technology was beneficial. How does synthesizing the place information is streamed worse than the use of multiple technological devices which we relied upon during the past decades. For example, when we created the clock, it was a way to tell us what time it was during the day. We also invented the alarm clock, which helped us to wake up or to go to work in a timely fashion. This is not conforming to technology by being programed to wake up when it wants us to wake up; it is a way to use our technology to embrace our humanity and keep up with our busy lives. Let’s not forget that we set the alarms, the alarms do not set themselves. Changing to a single device like a phone to tell time or

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