
Summary Of Malcolm X Education

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Education Malcolm X did not graduate from a college, but he was aware of the difficulties of the American society in his time. Also, he wanted to erase the paradigm that black people were not educated, indeed he learned all his education in one of the toughest places to learn: jail. When he realized that he was not able to write simple English, he decided to improve, inspire by, John Elton Bembry as he refers as “Bambi” and the heavy emphasis on rehabilitation that existed in the jail, but that inspiration and the time he spent reading his books opened a bunch of new ideas, a whole new world and “freedom”, as he describes, “I have never been so truly free in my life”, and by education and discipline he became one of the most important public …show more content…

This article also outlines how motivation can push someone further his or her academic career. Richard Rodriguez describes the difficulties balancing life in the academic world and the life of a working class family. As a child, Rodriguez was the exception to the stereotypical student coming from a working class family. He was always top of his class, and rather than spending his time out with friends or with his family he spent his time with books and notes. Initially, this approach makes Rodriguez stand out as an exceptional student, but as time goes on he becomes an outsider both at home and in school. “Achievement of Desire” chronicles the not-so-typical education of a young boy from a working-class family. Mark Mathabane doesn't want to be used by whites either, he wants to make an informed decision. He seeks the opinion of people he respects and is ultimately advised to participate because it will open doors for him. The black tennis association bans Mark from playing in black tennis for life because he breaks the boycott, but it turns out to be one of the more important decisions Mark makes. Though Mark is censured by the black community for his decision, and though he is breaking the law by traveling to white sections of Johannesburg to play tennis with whites, Mark continues doing what he's doing. Part of the reason he continues, is because he knows that earning a tennis scholarship to a college in the U.S. is his only ticket out of South Africa. Though he finds a lucrative job at a bank the following graduation, he knows he wants to live in a land where he's free. All of these authors have something in common which is they thought differently when they were young, but in the adulthood life they realized that they have to be educated to be successful in

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