
Summary Of The Franklin Scott Case

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This memo is in reference to the above captioned client and his court date in front of the Honorable Judge Minehart scheduled for March 1st, 2018. Mr. Franklin Scott is a 36 year old African American male currently incarcerated at the Curran Fromhold Correctional Facility. Mr. Scott has been incarcerated since November 20th 2016. He has been charged with the following: Possession of a Firearm, Carrying a Firearm without a license, Carrying a Firearm in Public, and Possession of Marijuana.

The past 16 months of Franklin Scott’s life have been a time of what he has referred to as “reflection.” During this period, Franklin has had the opportunity took look back upon his poor life decisions and the negative consequences that have resulted …show more content…

He was working full-time at The Hatfield Meat factory and trying his best to provide for Khloe and Tamika, as well as for himself and his girlfriend Jamila. He was giving life his best effort, but things slowly began to unravel. While driving to work one morning he was pulled over and unfortunately things got worse. Regrettably, he was driving on a suspended license and his car was impounded. Of course this could be viewed as a bad decision, however, one must look at the obstacles that Franklin was facing. The mother of his child was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was receiving chemotherapy, enrolled in radiation treatment, and was unable to work. Is driving without a license illegal, yes, but he was on his on his way to work so that he could provide for his loved ones. This was a situation of a man doing what he needed to do. Luckily, no charges were brought against him; however he was now without a car. As easy as it may have been for him to result to illegal activities, he refused to give into the temptations to fast money. Continuing to fight for his loved ones, Franklin was able to quickly find employment at Jiffy Lube. Conversely, the relief of finding employment was short lived. Franklin now had to rely on public transportation to get to and from work. The days turned longer and the nights became shorter. He was overcome …show more content…

He knows he is wrong and his extremely remorseful for what he has done. His primary concern now it addressing the areas of his life that he needs to improve on. Well aware of his need for substance abuse treatment, parenting classes, and employment, Franklin has accepted these life challenges. He is ready to take on the responsibility of making sure he addresses these areas. In turn, he has agreed to take the appropriate course of action to make sure he gets the help and assistance he needs. Below is a re-entry plan that has been formulated and discussed with

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