
Synthesis Of Zinc Chloride Lab Report

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Chapter five taught about the separation of mixtures through a number of different processes. These processes use differences in characteristic properties in the elements of the mixture. For example, fractional distillation uses boiling point to separate liquid mixtures. As the liquid boils, the vapor is redirected through a tube into a different test tube and then condenses. The tube is moved into a different test tube after the first fraction concludes boiling, and then the next fraction can be extracted, etc. In the case of ink, the components can be separated using chromatography paper. The chromatography paper uses density to absorb the different fractions in order of each’s density, so each component of the dye spreads out on the …show more content…

In fact, in order for the components to combine to form water, the mixture of gasses would have to be ignited. In fact, this water would not be a mixture, but a compound. In lab 6.4 the Synthesis of Zinc Chloride, lab groups were given different amounts of zinc and hydrochloric acid and they were combined. The results of this lab proved that the components combined at a constant ratio because some groups were left with extra hydrochloric acid, while some were left with extra zinc, but in each case, the zinc and the hydrochloric acid combined at the constant ratio of 0.48 g. The Law of Constant Proportions says that compounds combine in constant ratios. The most common example is water, which is also commonly referred to as H2O, which its chemical symbol. This symbol means that water is made up of two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of water. No matter the amount of each of the gasses, when the two are combined by igniting them, they will react at a two to one ratio, and if there is excess of either gas, it will not …show more content…

Radioactive elements tend to be elements with larger atomic numbers. These elements then give off protons to decompose into other elements. Examples of radioactive elements are uranium, polonium, and radium. Geiger counters create a clicking noise as they detect radioactive material in the air. When placed near an extremely radioactive substance, it clicks very frequently. It is expected that a Geiger counter would cease to click when it is not near a radioactive substance, however, even in this case, there will be a very small number of clicks per minute. These clicks are caused by the naturally-occurring radioactive background of the location of the Geiger counter. The basement has a much more background radiation than a room on the ground does. Radioactive material can also be collected for the purpose of testing it. For example, a paper towel on the end of a vacuum cleaner can collect radioactive material if the material is dust. Finding the radioactivity of this sample would then involve dividing the number of clicks given off by the Geiger counter by the number of minutes during which the clicks were recorded, and subtracting the

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