Technology In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Technology has became huge in these past years and it will only get bigger. Just yesterday the computer came out and today, there are so much more than that. In Fahrenheit 451 technology is like no other, there are mechanical dogs, rooms with TV walls and ear pieces. Who would think a world like that is possible? This could be our world's future. Not to mention people only do what is socially acceptable. In the book reading definitely isn’t socially acceptable and there are many things in this world that are not. People don’t do certain acts because of society and conformity. Fahrenheit 451 has a powerful messages on readers today because of the similarities between our world and the novel’s world because, of the technology usage and how conformity …show more content…

The novel’s world shows a perfect example of what could happen to us in the future. According to the text, “ How long will you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall-TV put in? It’s only two thousand dollars” (Ray Bradbury 18). Mildred is tearing out her house wall for a wall-TV. She already has three this shows how addicted she is and how far she has gone for TV. Bradbury says, “ It stood near the smoking ruins of Montag’s house and the men brought his discarded flame thrower to it and put it down under the muzzle of the House. There was a whirring, clicking, humming” (129). The hound is mechanical it is not a real life breathing dog it is a robot basically. We have real dogs here but, in the future this could happen. In this world they have TV’s for walls and robot dogs the technology is insanely …show more content…

Nowadays people only do what is acceptable to society whether they like it or not. In the novel’s world that is put to the task. The text states, “ Silly words, silly words, silly awful hurting words, Said Mrs. Bowles”. (Bradbury 97). This was after Montag read Mildred’s friends that poem and, of course reading isn’t okay in their world because it causes people to think and have feelings. Mrs. Bowles got feelings and went off she is going off because it isn’t okay in their society to do this so she has never felt this way before. We all know firemen as people who help put out fires but in their world the firemen start fires. The firemen burn books. Bradbury states, “ While the books went up in sparkling whirls and blew away on a wind turned dark with burning” (2). This shows how society it. It is normal for the firemen to burn books, but weird for people to read the books. So, no one reads the books because it isn’t normal to society. They know if they do read books they will get judged and someone will catch them and firemen will burn down their

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