
Technopoly The Tender Of Culture To Technology By Neil Postman

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According to Neil Postman, author of Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, "Technological change is neither additive nor subtractive. It is ecological." Therefore, "One significant change generates total change" In other words, technology generated a "total change" in our thinking. In real life today, we are living in high technology, and we work so hard and are busy all day for work. We have many intelligent machines that help us clean or sweep the floor, wash dishes, wash clothes, and rearrange our belongings so that we don't have to. We can even open the light or water the garden when it is time by pressing a single button, so we don't have to worry about doing those things. Postman argues that we would've functioned better with technology for our daily service. But functionality is only part of the story. In fact, "new technologies," argues Postman, transform "memory" and "wisdom" people into …show more content…

Carr, an American writer for the Atlantic, argues, "is google making us stupid?" one significant change in people's total change. For example, we live in an era where the internet allows us to work comfortably, and we can connect with everyone and recommend everything. We do not need to go too far to the office anymore. We stay home and work on it, with all possible things, even if we do not want to go to market; we surf the internet and click all we need, then wait a few minutes, and someone brings it to us. But the internet may stop in an hour, and everybody may lose things working on the internet, feel uncomfortable, get angry, anxious, and become uncontrol all things. We would've needed to function better. So, Carr gives the context with plebiscite a roundtable with the content" Is Google making us stupid?". In fact, "memory and wisdom of people will change and make people can not stand by themselves.." this emphasizes Carr; the memory will be confused with all things, and the wisdom will become knowledge

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