
Texas V Johnson Majority Opinion Analysis

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People all over the world, in their own way all share the same goal of acceptance. The reality of this goal, is that a lot of people are not accepted. In the stories “Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion” by William Brennan, and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, and in the film Bullied by Bill Brummel, they all show examples of how some people are not accepted. They are not accepted in the stories, because they are different then others and people make opinions about them without knowing them. These selections show when people are not accepted, they will feel depressed and unwanted. Despite people's differences, they all have the same goal of wanting to be accepted and treated equally. Bullied by Bill Brummel shows Jamie, a gay boy that was bullied …show more content…

Johnson Majority Opinion, there are different view about how the flag should be treated. In this story Texas doesn’t approve of the flag to be burnt, but Johnson believes it is ok for the flag to be burnt because it is our right to protest. “We decline, therefore, to create for the flag an exception to the joust of principles protected by the First Amendment. . . . To say that the government has an interest in encouraging proper treatment of the flag, however, is not to say that it may criminally punish a person for burning a flag as a means of political Protest” (pg. 15 lines 1-6). He is saying that they can’t punish anyone because it is the right to protest in the First Amendment. Johnson accepted the flag to be burnt because he thought you should be able to express yourself however you want. “We decline, therefore, to create for the flag an exception to the joust of principles protected by the First Amendment” (pg. 15 lines 1-2). Johnson believes that anyone expressing themselves without hurting others should be protected why expressing themselves. Although some people believe it is disrespectful to burn the flag, we as American have the right to protest in a non-violent manner. Whether someone believe burning the flag is alright or not, they still want to be treated equal despite their

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