
The Cask Of Amontillado Situational Irony Analysis

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In the story “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe, Poe uses irony throughout story to allow the reader a little inside and humor on what is about to happen. Throughout the story examples of verbal, dramatic, and situational irony can be found easily and are helpful is foreshadowing what is to come.
Verbal irony is when one thing is said, but another is meant. For example, when Montresor runs into Fortunato at the beginning of the story, he says, “My dear Fortunato, you are luckily met” (237); However, he actually means that he himself is happy to see Fortunato because he will profit from this meeting, not Fortunato. Later, Montresor appears to be worried about Fortunato’s health as they travel deeper into the catacombs and says, “We will go back. Your health is precious” (238). This is ironic because he has no intention of going back and is not worried about Fortunato’s health. He is actually using reverse psychology to lure him further in. Finally, Montresor brings out some …show more content…

Examples of situational irony, are numerous in this story. First, Poe uses a carnival for the setting for his murder story. It is ironic that the author places a vengeful death in a place of happiness and celebration. Usually death occurs in dark scary places with almost no one around. Poe uses situational irony in naming the character, Fortunato. By the sound of his name readers would assume that the character is in some way lucky or fortunate, but un all actuality he is the opposite.
Throughout the story examples of verbal, dramatic, and situational irony can be found. The whole story in “The Cask of Amontillado” uses irony because Montresor never plans to be Fortunato’s friend. Montresor is actually seeking revenge and in the end he completes plan. The different types of irony show how the different elements of the story help readers understand the consequences that Fortunato

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