Fate Is Real Essay

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One would believe that either fate or circumstance is real. However, I believe in the circumstance led by your own choices, and also the fate that has been delivered to you. This means that there may be numerous events that are out of your control, but there are also steps that can be taken to bring you to a new point in your life. Not everyone may have the skill or talent, but by having grit and putting in effort, they can excel in their work. While some believe a fixed mindset is fate and out of your control, others prove that a growth mindset is by choice and free will. This is why that the entirety of our population can all be intelligent and break through the boundaries given to them if they just have a positive mindset that will allow …show more content…

The science can be found in your brain activity that shows of your mind actually picking a choice long before you may believe you are actually picking it.
Everyone is distinctly special, and no one ever acts the same. All of our brains function differently. Some of us may understand a new topic easily, while others may operate a little slower. However, this is not our fault, but rather our fate. Those who are a little slower may choose to give up, but for others, “...it was this combination of passion and perseverance that made high achievers special.” (Quast). It declares that rather than intelligence being a tremendous deciding factor on our future in jobs, or colleges, our dedication and determination can lead to our prosperity. The quote states that our perseverance can lead to high success, which is also why “...IQ and SAT scores aren’t a perfect indicator of someone's future success.” (Quast). These excerpts state how tests may not show your hard work and passion to being …show more content…

The matter is that our life events may be completely out of our own hand. However, we can take our own action in choosing to be who we are and where we want to be in life. In fact, there is also science that flatters this exquisite phenomenon. It is said that “...our brains decide a course of action before we know it.” (Gleiser) It also employs that the “...choices we think we are making, expressions of our freedom, are being made subconsciously…” The quote along with Benjamin Libet’s experiments in the 1980s using EEG and fMRI state that the section in our brain dedicated to making decisions is activated before we even approach our choice. It essentially defines that our brains establish our decisions long before we may be choosing to take that action. It also declares that “...the question of free will is not simply a black- and white or yes-and no kind of question, but rather one that embraces the full complexity of what it means to be human.” This is why both fate along with free will can pave our lives. Although nothing may seem to be for certain, everything that happens has a reason for it and our actions will always have consequences. Our behavior will lead us to the steps that we are at now, days, weeks, months, even years ahead in our

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