The Indonesian Massacre In Indonesia

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Giany Amorita Prastiwi 5621534 INTRODUCTION One of the important histories in Indonesia was the massacre which occurred in 1965. There are three interpretations of this incident which marked the end of the Old Order. First, from the army version that the PKI (Communist Party Indonesia) was the puppeteer behind the coup. Second, it was an intramilitary affair. Third, there was a conspiracy between Soeharto and CIA to break the power of the PKI (Wieringa 2002:285). There was a bloody tragedy and political turmoil throughout the country. The number of victims is still unrevealed, but there are several predictions and claims up to three millions people (Adam 2008:10). Adam also mentioned that not everyone …show more content…

When 1965 happened, students found out it was really difficult to understand what was happening in Jakarta and what the implications would be for their personal circumstances. The way to communicate with friends and family was via post and there were only rumors than reliable information. At that time, The Indonesian Embassy was vacuum and they were politically cautious (Hill 2014:629). Because of political tension, most of these students (exiles) were revoked of their Indonesian citizenship and they were prevented from returning to Indonesia. They become stateless in some socialist countries, amongst China, Russia, and …show more content…

In line with Schiller, Smith (1991:14) mentions that the features of national identity consist of 1. A homeland; 2. Common historical myths and memories; 3. A commons, mass public culture; 4. A common legal system; 5. A common economy with mobility across the territory for members. Smith also mentioned that national identity and the nation are complex, they signify bonds of solidarity among members of communities united by shared memories, myths, and tradition. National identity such a flexible and persistent force, and allowed to combine with other powerful ideologist and movements, without losing its character (P.

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