
The War In Germany: A Case Study

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The War in Germany was over, and fighting continued only throughout the Pacific Islands, where American troops were “island hopping” frenziedly in an effort to finally vanquish the Japanese. The Japanese tactics were simple; they did not cease fighting until they won, and their Kamikazes, the original suicide bombers, sunk hundreds of American ships. The United States, tired of incessant violence, issued the Potsdam Declaration, which outlined the consequences that the Japanese would face should they refuse to surrender, it however was ignored. Meanwhile, just months after the European theater of the war ended, the infamous atomic weapons had been completed and were ready for use. Everything was coming to the end.
Many of the victories claimed …show more content…

Japanese ministers met to discuss whether or not they would give in to the US, and three out of the six members thought that they should, while the other three were stoutly against it (Long, 2010). This stalemate was added on to when the Cabinet met to decide Japan’s fate, and they had more power than the previous group of officials who had met. They needed a unanimous favor, however, for the decision to pass, and although twelve members of the cabinet were in favor of surrender the other three who weren’t were more concerned about Japan’s loss of honor rather than its destruction (Long, 2010). The decision was finally made when Emperor Hirohito decided that he would no longer sit back and let the Americans reduce his country to ashes, and since he was revered as a god by his people, that made his decision more highly regarded than anyone else’s (Long, 2010). This, more than anything, shows just how little anything else would have worked against the Japanese. They barely conceded even after the atomic bomb had been dropped, and that was the biggest threat the Americans had to offer. If they had used invasion or blockade, in addition to making the war last longer than it people were willing to bear it may not have had worked in making the Japanese surrender. The decision may not have been ethical, but then again there is no real ethics behind war in the first place. The only part of …show more content…

Honestly speaking I believe that if Truman didn’t drop the bomb on japan then many lives would have been saved, but on the other hand, I would definitely agree to his decision in dropping the bomb on japan, this is mainly because by harry Truman declaring a drop of the atomic bomb on to japan, made japan surrender and ended war even faster ,compared to a different solution in resolving the war. Similarly we are able to visualize that as the first bomb was put off on the city of Hiroshima on the 6th of august 1945 and the second being put off on the city of Nagasaki on the 9th of august 1945, through this we realized that japan surrender faster. Correspondingly, by Truman deciding to dropping the bomb ,Truman was able to stop the USSR from developing any further principles and spreading these principles amongst themselves. In my opinion I believe that by Truman making a wise choice of dropping the bomb he was able to put an end to the criticism of US by other countries, moreover through this he didn’t let the 2 billion dollars that was spend on the hard work and research of the bomb go to a total waste and therefore, he used it in a more wise and intellectual way

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