
The Role Of Flapper In The 1920's

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The Roaring Twenties affected the daily lives of Americans and their traditions. Social and cultural changes swept over the United States. Women became bolder and started acting more pronounced, while Prohibition attempted to ban alcohol. Writer and artists also began creating a different style. Flappers of the Roaring Twenties were basically just women rebelling against society. Dresses got shorter while the nights got longer to them. Instead of getting married at a young age and staying home with the kids, women decided to postpone their family lives and go to college or find an actual job. They wanted to prove that they could make their own decisions. Their determination also led to women flaunting themselves in a way that was never even thought of before. Corsets went out of the window, and bras became a new style. It was easier to dance with one extra strip of cloth than it was to dance with their backs laced up and their stomachs sucked in. Instead of wearing floor length gowns, their hems stopped above the knees. Not only was it more revealing, but it was also more comfortable and easier to make. They cut their hair off to spite their elders and their love of long, flowing curls. Actress Olive Thomas portrayed the role of a flapper on the big screen in …show more content…

The 1920s created more insight. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby in 1925, inspired by the 1920s and modernism. This time period really stressed the idea of the American Dream, which inspired so many new works of art. The Great Gatsby was based solely on the American Dream and how so many people do whatever possible to try and reach it. Plus, others like Langston Hughes and Louise Armstrong flourished during the 1920s. They took what was happening around them, and created works of art out of it. They used their experience to create something that others could relate. The Roaring Twenties gave artists the new experience they

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