Summary: The Sound And The Fury

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The Sound and the Fury is an odd novel written by William Faulkner in 1928 that tells the dramatic story of the Compson family. The story takes place in Jefferson, Mississippi during the Easter weekend of 1928 and in Cambridge, Massachusetts (Harvard University) during June 10 1910. The book focuses on this family, and their struggles to adjust to change, told from four different perspectives: the mentally handicapped Benjy, the sensible Quentin, the vile Jason and the family´s old black servant, Dilsey. In each chapter of the book, the narrators show their desperation and hopelessness as they each try, in their own way, to mourn the dissolution of the family caused by the promiscuity of their sister Caddy.

The novel has four different narrators: Benjy, Quentin, Jason and Dilsey (omniscient narrator that follows Dilsey). The first chapter is the most difficult part of the book since the …show more content…

With the multiple first person points of views we really could get inside the characters’ heads and see what it’s really like to be Quentin (or Benjy or Jason). The characters were really complex and well-thought. The dialogue brought the whole story together; every character had an original way of talking that where present in the whole book. Faulkner really capture the essence the Southern families and their pride and dignity. “The Sound and the Fury” is a challenging book, but I think it was great. All the story of the Compson family was narrated just like it was or just like it would have been (in a realistic way). Throughout the whole book the story came together even though we didn´t had the main characters point of view or direct reference about her. It was a difficult book but it was worth reading it. The end really brought kind of a happy ending to the book, since it built hope that the family will prosper and develop again in a different manner than it did with the last

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