
Theme Of Selfish Pride In The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

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Selfish choices and behaviors can have a harmful and unfortunate ending for others. This idea is made clear when two brothers face complications in their relationship. In “The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst, one's selfish pride is displayed by character development and an ironic resolution. The selfish mindset of the narrator helps his younger brother develop an ability that no one believed he could ever demonstrate. Resulting in, the narrator helping his younger brother, but “he did it for [himself], that pride.”(3). The older brother only guides Doodle for the narrator's own selfish reasons. The narrator didn’t think Doodle was enough, resulting in him attempting to change his younger brother into a “normal” person. Doodle only “walked because” the narrator “was ashamed of having” a brother that was “crippled.”(3). Even though Doodle developed the ability to walk, the narrator was teaching him …show more content…

When the brothers’ plans do not go as expected a “streak of cruelty within [the narrator] awakened,” running as fast as he could “leaving [Doodle] behind.”(6). Both Doodle and his brother worked extremely hard so that Doodle would be able to attend school. But when their proposition didn’t go according to the plan the narrator reacts negatively, leaving his poor helpless brother behind. After the narrator’s episode he “lifted [Doodle’s] head. Limply,” it returned back to where it was positioned. Doodle “[was] bleeding from [his] mouth.”(6). The narrator’s selfish actions led to the ironic death of Doodle. Irony is displayed because at the rate Doodle was being pushed it was distinctly unhealthy for his conditions. Making it lucid that he wasn’t going to make it, except the brother’s mind was too clouded with rejection to care. Doodle was being forced to his limit, with his brother abandoning him when he was in such a vulnerable and critical state had a dangerous affect on

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