
To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes Courage

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The Importance of Courage The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy- MLK Jr. This quote is the perfect way to summarize the important lessons learned by Jem and Scout Finch in To KIll A Mockingbird. They learn these important lessons through various events and characters such as Tom robinson and his trial, Atticus Finch, and Mrs.Dubose. These events and characters shape Jem and Scout and the reader learns these lessons vicariously through them. In To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee the development of the characters of Jem and Scout display the importance of Courage as well as the evils of racism and prejudice. First off the importance …show more content…

During the trial of Tom Robinson Jem and Scout see adults being prejudiced for the first time. Not only does this destroy their sense of innocence but it also shows them how the evils of prejudice affect everyone. Seeing many adults whom they look up to sanctioning the execution of an innocent man makes these evils even more clear and spurs change in Jem and Scout. This is made evident when, after the trial, Jem runs up to Atticus acting very maudlin and saying “ It ain’t right Atticus”(284). This shows that he has finally realized how ubiquitous prejudice is and that it is truly grievous. Another instance that helps the children experience and understand prejudice is when they are confronted at Calpurnia’s church. They are confronted by an african american woman who is angry that jem and Scout are at a black church. This woman tries to state that “ they got their church, we got our’n”(158). However she is soon shot down by the other african americans attending, but her words are enough to give Jem and Scout personal experience with prejudice. This incident is enough to sensitize Jem and Scout to Tom Robinson’s trial which helps them to truly understand prejudice. In essence the children learn about the evils of prejudice through Calpurnia’s church and Tom Robinson’s

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