Alabama Essays

  • Personal Narrative: The Bus Driver In Montgomery Alabama

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    the drastic amounts of inequality and segregation in our supposed to be 'free' nation. I knew that a change needed to be made, and we needed equal treatment and rights for everyone. So when I boarded the bus that December evening in Montgomery Alabama, I was exhausted from work and ready to go home. I recognized the bus driver because he had once pushed me off the bus, just because I came through the front door. Even remembering that experience, I still stepped on the bus and paid my fare. "Good

  • Agriculture In Alabama

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    Agriculture is the leading industry in Alabama. Agriculture and fields related to agriculture contribute $2.7 Billion to the state every year. Sustaining future generations of agriculture are important, to show its importance, a convention is held to inform people about sustaining agriculture for future generations. During the convention, you will learn the many ways that agriculture is important and how what you do in your daily lives pertains to agriculture. Technology plays a big role in sustaining

  • Poverty In Alabama

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    imaginable. Whether it be surprising or not, throughout history, the state of Alabama has always suffered with lower incomes and an overall poorer lifestyle. As the next generation comes into power and makes their mark on the world, they will prepare a way for poverty to be demolished once and for all. Over all, the United States is one of the richest countries in the world, but within the United States, the state of Alabama is the fourth poorest state, holding a median household income of less than

  • Alabama Quarterback

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    “ If you are just tuning in to ESPN, this is Alabama versus LSU with 15 seconds left in the 4th quarter, Alabama ball at LSU’s 5 yard line, tie game, 21-21.” Tyrann Mathieu, the freshman cornerback is lined up in 1 on 1 coverage against Amari Cooper, an all american wide receiver for Alabama. Alabama urgently snaps the ball, Amari Cooper joggs up and makes a quick move to the inside, looking for the ball to be passed to him. The Quarterback steps out of the pocket and rolls out to the right. The

  • Alabama Poem

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    hatred. Piping hot, the sun beats down ninety degrees weather daily, in Alabama, 1863. As the ink counties to drench the paper, it begins to smear away due to the scorching temperature. I am surprised my sweat glances have not burst by now. The air that rarely passes by only sticks to skin, feels like honey. No moisture in the air, my personal Hell. I’m burning here, someone please save me! Before being abducted coming to Alabama, I lived

  • Burning Of Alabama

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    Alabama the Beautiful; they call it. Beautiful state indeed; however, some of the history of this great state can bring feelings of sorrow and despair. How could such tragic times leave such a permanent and long lasting impression one may ask. One incident in particular will surely leave a lasting impression on Alabama. In Pickens County, Henry Wells would forever be known as the man whose image was sketched into the Pickens County Courthouse window in Carrollton, Alabama. In the mid-1800s, Pickens

  • Drug Addiction In Alabama

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    Drug Addiction In Alabama Drug addiction is a serious problem. If you are addicted to any drug, then it will be difficult for you to live a long, healthy life. Fortunately, it is possible to overcome a drug addiction with detox and professional drug and alcohol rehab. How Common Is Drug Addiction In Alabama? Drug addiction in AL is not an uncommon problem. It is estimated that seven percent of people in AL have used an illicit drug within the past 30 years. Although this is lower than the national

  • Essay On Montgomery Alabama

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    domestic slave trade and transportation. Towns that were once irrelevant such as Montgomery Alabama became central assets for slave transportation because they connected the lower and upper South through the railroads and steam boats. Montgomery Alabama in particular was in the center of the black belt and boasted the highest enslaved black population in 1860 at 23,710. Yet until 2013, Montgomery Alabama failed to acknowledge the injustice that occurred on their very own streets. My cultural artifact

  • Alabama Action Reflection

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    Throughout this past week, thanks to Alabama Action, I have discovered the true meaning of a “servant’s heart” and discovered that when like-minded people get together, we can make a huge impact on the community. Servitude is something that is incredibly close to my heart and this week was the perfect introduction to all that the UA Honors College has to offer to help find ways to leave my mark. Coming into this week, we were just a large group of kids from every corner of the country – joined only

  • Beat Auburn Beat Hunger Essay

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    founded in 1994 by Henry Lipsy, director of West Alabama Food Bank. Lipsy came up with the idea of a friendly competition between the University of Alabama and Auburn to raise canned food for the hungry and needy in the state of Alabama ( ). Over the last 23 years, Beat Auburn Beat Hunger has become the largest organization on campus following after SGA. BABH was created to raise awareness of food deprivation in the state of Alabama. A couple facts to give you a perspective: “There

  • Melba Beals 'Warriors Don' T Cry

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    How a person acquires fundamental opinions has been a controversial topic for generations. Some people claim that a person’s opinion is inborn. Others theorize that a person’s opinion is learned. However, most will agree that a person’s surroundings, environment, and history have a great impact on their worldly views. One’s environment can be described as where they live, where they spend their time, the place where they attend school or work, who they live with, and who they associate with. For

  • Congressman John Lewis March Essay

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    young life in rural Alabama which provides a great insight into lives of black families in 1940s and 50s under Jim Crow and segregation laws. March opens with a violent march at the Edmund Pettus Bridge, which the gruesome acts later became known as “Bloody Sunday,” during this march, 600 peaceful civil rights protestors were attacked by the Alabama state troopers for not listening to their commands. The story then goes back and forth depicts Lewis growing up in rural Alabama and President Obama’s

  • To Kill A Mockingbird Narrator Essay

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    Maycomb is a small close-knit town in Alabama, a southern state in USA. It is a sleepy and poor town with a few people. The Great Depression began with the Wall Street crash of October in 1929 and caused a decade of poverty, high unemployment, deflation, plunging farm incomes and lost opportunities

  • Case Study: Marcus In Foster Care

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    Georgiana, Alabama, a small rural community with a population of 1,680 and a rate of 50.8 percent living below the poverty levels (U.S. Census Bureau, 2014). After being kicked-out of his home by his conservative Christian parents for coming out as gay, Marcus came to Mobile, Alabama. Marcus believes that his older sister may live in Atlanta, but is not sure and has no way to contact her. With a population of 194,675 and radius of 139.11 square miles, Mobile is the third largest city in Alabama (U.S.

  • In Defense Of To Kill A Mockingbird

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    Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird has caused a copious amount of controversy over its relevance in today’s society. This marvelous tale is relevant to today’s society. According to the critic Jill May’s article, In defense of To Kill A Mockingbird, it is relevant because Harper Lee herself grew up with the attitudes depicted and the book survived the first period of regional criticism. Quotes from the book’s narrator and lead character, Scout Finch, show us that she, Scout, matures throughout the

  • How Did Wilson Pickett Impact The World

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    noticed how many famous people have come from the state of Alabama? Have you ever just sat down and thought about it? I found out that one of the men whose songs my father still listens to is from this state. His name is Wilson Pickett. Wilson Pickett’s music made an impact on the music world a long time ago. His life, his music and his success has contribute a lot to the state of Alabama. Wilson Pickett was born March 18, 1941 in Prattville, Alabama. He grew up singing in Baptist church choirs. Wilson

  • How Does Bob Ewell Show Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    “this morning Mr. Bob Ewell stopped Atticus on the post office corner, spat in his face, and told him he'd get him if it took the rest of his life.” As is shown throughout the book, Atticus is one of the most respected people in the town of Maycomb, Alabama. As mentioned earlier, Atticus embarrassed Bob by defending Tom. He was filled with anger and he took it out by spitting on Atticus. Everyone knows atticus is a good man who does good things. Bob soils what is left of his reputation by disrespecting

  • Rosa Parks Short Biography

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    African American woman who the United States called the first lady of civil rights, and the mother of the freedom movement. Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913, in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her parents Leona McCarley and James McCauley got divorced when she was only two years old. After Rosa and her mom moved to Pine Level, Alabama. She lived on a family farm, where she spent her kid years until she was 11. When she was 11, she went to a segregated school, where she was forced to walk to the 1st through

  • Atticus Relationship In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Atticus is a lawyer in Maycomb Alabama. He Has two kids, Scout and Jem. His wife died when Scout was only two years old. Atticus is not only respected by his children but his community. Atticus teaches his kids valuable lessons throughout the story. He knows they can not just go through life not knowing what 's going on throughout the town. Atticus is not just a normal white male in Maycomb Alabama. He see people for what 's in the inside and not just the outside

  • Friendship In To Kill A Mockingbird

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    Friendship in To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel ,written by Harper Lee, about Scout, Jem, and Atticus living in Maycomb, Alabama during the great depression. Scout learns about how friendship is important during the town's suffering. During the novel the siblings finds out that friendship has no limitations. Because of this the siblings overcome social classes, ages, and appearances to find true friendship. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem notices Walter Cunningham, a