
War Poetry Analysis

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In churches, schools, and communities across the world, the memories of well-known songs and hymns of war are heralded down through the ages. It’s as if one can hear these men, women, and children singing, even now: “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war;” “Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me No! No! No! Just remember that I've been true to… you So just be true to me (until I come home from the war);” “We are marching ever marching…;” “And though I'm far away I still can hear them say Bombs up... But when the dawn comes up there'll be bluebirds over The white cliffs of Dover Tomorrow Just you wait and see there'll be love and laughter And peace ever after Tomorrow When the world is free;” “Behold! A royal army, With …show more content…

Victory, victory, Thru Jesus Christ, our Lord!” While this song list is only a very small portion of songs about war and soldiers, it is clear through academic study and research that references about war in writing and poetry are just as, if not moreso , prevalent in society. One such poem about war is “Dulce Et Decorum es .” Exploration and analysis of “Dulce Et Decorum est,” by W ilfred Owen, will surpass the initial and shallow influences of affective and intentional fallacies painted of a destr uctive God-less war to some nameless enemy; careful exploration will reveal the unspoken necessity of duty, name the unnamed enemy, offers hope to the purpose of war, and resolves tensions within the symbolism, motifs, and diction of the text- thus exposing that duty, sacrifice, and suffering are a necessary part of ultimate human victory, on the very real battlefield of an everyday …show more content…

Let us first consider the poem from the aspect of symbolism and motifs. The first stanza brings clear images to mind of the painful physical conditions which soldiers are operating under. The tone is slow and deep and the reader can relate to the informal and slang diction and concepts within the poem, such as: “Bent double, like old beggars,” “Knock-kneed,” “Men march(ing)…(who) had lost their boots,…limped on blood-shod (bloody-feet/shoes). All went lame; all blind…drunk with fatigue.” What is so interesting is that much of that stanza speaks of things having to do with legs and feet experiencing severe injury, weakness, fatigue, and pain. Most people have the use of their legs and feet, but these descriptors help relate the importance and value of healthy, strong legs. This stanza further makes is clear that people who are “fatigue(d) often “trudge” forward toward a “distant rest” as though in a death-like march- if they are demoralized and desensitized to the conditions around them. All too often the “distant rest” seems hopeless, and when people are hopeless they are often unprepared to face the unexpected and awaiting events of their future. There is a sense of despondency and quitting when we read that they “turned their backs” away from “the haunting flares.” The question arises

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