
We Were Liars Thesis

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Rubrik What actually defines success? In the book We Were Liars, written by E. Lockhart, the protagonist Cadence Sinclair is starting to reinvent herself, as she becomes progressively aware of the world outside or her tiny isolated bubble of rich people, dripping with privilege. The Sinclairs spends entire summers on their private island, drinking expensive wine and eating posh food. Their worst horror is being abnormal, hence the carefully crafted outer image of the perfect family. Which, of course, could not possibly be further from the truth. Cadence’s, or Cady’s, grandfather is ruling the family with his three daughter at his feet, who are all hoping to one day inherit his fortune. Throughout the entire book, Cady is starting to challenge what is supporting the privilege she has never questioned. By this, I think the book is trying examine that privilege, as well as show the downside to our culture’s heroic ideal. Prove that it more often than not leads to someones success in change of others suffering. How we often mistake being daring and forceful with intelligence and individual superiority. Cady is raised in a family whose success …show more content…

We were liars is a story about the ideals we are all supposed to aspire to, simply because of the way our society defines success; as being forceful, reckless, hasty and bold. The dauntless ideal Cadence falls prey for. In my opinion the book is trying to shed light on the insidious backside of our idea of heroism, and the too often gruesome consequences it might bring. That it more frequently than not results in the unnecessary suffering of others. Cady’s cousin Mirren on the other hand, had a very different life motto: ”Always be kinder than you have to”. Despite being just as privileged as Cady, she manage to do what Cady fails so strikingly. Mirren shows that it is not impossible to

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