
What Does Jason Represent In Medea

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Medea is the protagonist of Euripides’ play. She is a witch and a princess who used her powers to help Jason find the Golden Fleece, and consequently fell in love with him. However, she is betrayed by Jason and, as a result, becomes motivated to seek her revenge.
• Jason is the antagonist of Medea. He is also the son of Aeson, the Hero of the Golden Fleece, and leader of the Argonauts. In the play he is illustrated as being an opportunistic and narcissistic man who condescends not only his wife, but the female sex as a whole.
• The Chorus is a group of Corinthian women who witness the tragedy that unfolds in Medea. They empathize with Medea’s plight of both being a woman and a victim of Jason’s betrayal, and personify the emotions that an audience should have if they were present.
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Another symbol is the door of Medea’s house which represents the barrier between Medea, the outsider, and the Greeks.
• Two mythological allusions in “Medea” are when Themis (goddess of justice) and Artemis (protector of women) are exclaimed by a grieving Medea for the purpose of expressing her unjust treatment after Jason’s betrayal (Euripides, 18).
• A motif in “Medea” is the action of calling on the Gods as demonstrated when the chorus call upon Hermes to help guide Aegeus in his understanding of the Apollo oracle. A second one is the motif of deception which is demonstrated when Medea tricks Jason into thinking that she understands his motive for betraying their marriage bed.
• “… my husband, has turned out to be the worst of men. Of all things that live and have intelligence, we women are the most wretched creatures” (Euripides, 21). This relates to the historical background, because, as demonstrated by Medea, women have no equality in their male-dominated

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