
What Does The Green Light Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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Andrea avalos Period: 2nd 5/5/23 The Great Gatsby The novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is full of symbols that Gatsby relays on. Everyone in this novel means something to Gatsby. Gatsby relies on many people or objects that for him are symbols. People give Gatsby motivation to do things for love, work, and friendships. Some symbols that relied on him is “The Green Light”, the green light is connected to Daisy which means the light is connected to Daisy’s feelings. Another on that showed up in this novel is “The Eyes of Dr. Tj Eckleberg.” which means everyone is watching your every move. Lastly, a symbol that’s connected to Gatsby is the Ominous weather, The weather is connected to Gatsby’s feelings just how the green …show more content…

Whenever Gatsby thinks of Daisy, or thinks of calling her, a green light flash. Whenever that light flashes Gatsby feels sure about the decision he’s making. In chapter 4, pages 92 and 93, it states, “You always have a green light that burns all night at the end of your dock. Daisy put her arm through his abruptly... Possibly it had occurred to him that the colossal significance...” In page 93 Gatsby noticed that the green light had some special connection with Daisy. Knowing it flashes on her dock specifically makes a strong believe it’s connected to the situation happening or another way into telling them they are doing something right. This statement is a perfect reason why Gatsby relies on this green light. Knowing he tried so hard to find another way to connect with Daisy, he finally got the chance too, and sees a light flashing from her house while being with her, he takes it as a sign. A sign that means Go for it, fight for what you …show more content…

Whenever Gatsby feels sad, mad, or nervous the weather changes. In page 88, it states, “I walked out the back way—just as Gatsby had when he made his nervous circuit... and ran for a huge black knotted tree, whose massed leaves made a fabric against the rain. This quote supports my claim because in this chapter Gatsby reunites with Daisy after 5 years, of course they’ll feel the connection off, but very strange how the weather changed when Gatsby felt nervous to walk back in “Just as Gatsby had when he made his nervous circuit...” the quote describes how the weather is connected to Gatsby, the weather is based on Gatsby’s mood on that

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