
What Is The 1999 Case Of The Cold Blooded Murder Of Hae Min Lee

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Today the audience will be presented with the 1999 case of the cold blooded murder of Hae Min Lee, an 18 year old senior at Woodlawn High School in Baltimore, Maryland, and the conviction of her ex boyfriend, Adnan Syed in a podcast brought to them by Sarah Koenig, an American journalist and radio host, on The American Life where Serial is presented. During this case you will see various different sides of the story that claim whether or not Adnan committed the crime or if the killer is still on the loose. This case is particularly tricky given that most of the evidence is mainly based off of partially unreliable witnesses, little to none physical evidence, and the memories of now 36 year old Adnan and the very few people he had talked to …show more content…

Although many people may not believe it, Adnan Syed is innocent considering the fact that much of what was said in court is practically hearsay and there is very small amounts of evidence that prove that he took the life of Hae Min Lee.
When the case was presented in court, there were many errors that the State chose to omit when Adnan was being tried. For instance, much of the evidence was unfathomed and therefore showed that there was next to no physical evidence that linked him to the crime… “No DNA, no fibers, no hairs, no matching soil from …show more content…

Is that not important?’ and the answer is yes of course it is important, but much of it is subjective and can be deemed of as found by luck. For example, “Twenty-two minutes and two seconds. Yeah we just did it in 22 minutes and 2 seconds. And that was leaving about a minute and a half in the car for the actual killing part.” (106). Here Sarah is explaining how she and her friend/coworker, Dana Chivvis, tested if going from Woodlawn High, allowing time for the buses and traffic of the like, leave and go to Best Buy, and “killing” Hae would take about 22 minutes and 2 seconds. That alone is saying that it falls into the 21 minute time frame that the State issued as how long the murder took, but there has to be much more to that. To clarify, if Adnan really wanted to kill her out of anger and pride, why would he do it in such a rushed fashion? Also, if everyone that knew Hae knew that she always went to go pick up her cousin after she got out of class, why would she have been at Best Buy? Shifting to Adnan now, if he really committed the crime one would think that he would remember more of the day other than going about his day as usual and then of course panicking because his ex girlfriend who was also one of his best friends was missing and he cannot do anything that would help find her would you not think? This puts Adnan in a very

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