
Who Is To Blame For The Downfall Of Andrew Carnegie

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During the late 1800’s, early 1900’s America began the famous industrial race to success. At the head of the race, yearning for success, was Andrew Carnegie. Scotland born in 1835, Carnegie moved to the United States with nothing but soon grew with prosperous steps, speeding his way to the top as a profitable business man through the steel industry. His path to success may be filled with some hardship of distrust and mishaps with money hungry co-workers, but in the end he created, with his infinite wealth, enormous amounts of buildings and educational centers to benefit mankind in the long run. This is a deed of a kind man.
Renowned owner of the first mass production company of steel wasn’t always a millionaire, Andrew Carnegie grew from small telegram messenger to large investor in mass production in steel. Carnegie assisted in the railroad business throughout the war, even helping colleagues to invent and patent some of the first sleeping cars for the railroad. After the war he began in the business of the ironworks trade that replaces, in large numbers, bridges with iron, while doing so he used his social skills to benefit the company. Throughout the years he travels and soon learns of a way to mass produce steel from Henry …show more content…

Henry Frick is the main cause of all the misfortunes that happened, he is a ruthless, cruel, brutal, tyrannical man that showed no mercy. When Andrew first hired Frick he was looking to the betterment of his company and he knew Frick was the man to help with that. Carnegie never realized what troubles Frick would cause to his workers and innocent people. The Homestead strike and Johnstown catastrophe were both under Frick’s watch while Carnegie was back home in Scotland. Once Carnegie realized that Frick was driving the business into the ground he soon fired him then shortly sold the business due to Frick’s

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