
William Golding Lord Of The Flies Rhetorical Analysis

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The author of Lord of the Flies William Golding makes the claim that people are inherently evil and savage. Countless times throughout the novel, Golding compares the young male characters to animals in their actions, thoughts and recent ways of life. From the moment they landed on the deserted island to just a few hours further in time, it seems like the boys already begin to act in a savage manner. Some of the literary devices that Golding uses during the gruesome story to convey the message that people are inherently evil and savage, are motifs, archetypes, and imagery. One way Golding shows that people are inherently evil is through the use of motifs. The most common word that the author used was the verb trot. The word “trot” in itself doesn't make a big difference to the reader. It’s when Golding repeats the use of the word “trot” that describes the way the boys run that begins to engrave this animalistic way …show more content…

For example Golding describes how the boys make awful and evil decisions that affect nature. “Somewhere over the darkened curve of the world the sun and moon were pulling; and the film of water on the earth planet was held, bulging slightly on one side while the solid core turned. The great wave of the tide moved further along the island and the water lifted. Softly, surrounded by a fringe of inquisitive bright creatures, itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations, Simon's dead body moved out towards the open sea.”(Golding, 221) This quote is right after the part of the book where the group kills Simon and Ralph ends up lying to Piggy about doing so. Golding reveals the fact that man is inherently evil through this imagery where Simon is killed, which is a representation of man killing all that is good. This detailed imagery is a great representation of how Golding uses Imagery to show how people are inherently

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