
Woodrow Wilson World War 2 Analysis

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During World War I, United States President Woodrow Wilson had devised a standard concerning how involved the US would be in World War I, and even how the winning side would create peace, after their reluctant involvement. However, his ideals differed drastically from the harsh realities that followed. At the beginning of the war, Wilson announces the United States’ stance to remain neutral. In doing this, he believed that he had been acting upon ethical grounds, citing that the war would be fought not by the people choosing a side, but rather those who cannot choose. But after constant pressures from the two sides, Wilson chose to side with the Allied Powers.

After the United States joined the Allies, the opposition, the Axis Powers, slowly …show more content…

Furthermore, Wilson had already created a divide by maintaining neutrality, and it made the opinion of the United States of lesser importance in the Treaty of Versailles, seeing as they entered later in the war and received a decreased amount of casualties. In addition to the dissent amongst world powers, Wilson also faced opposition from his own people, with a substantial amount urging for war at the start. As Germany launched U-boats and sunk US ships, the citizens of the United States paid the price. In response, the citizens became restless, pressuring their leaders to go to war, and succeeding in the process.

At the conclusion of World War I, President Woodrow Wilson offered his opinion on how the United States should conduct peace in the Fourteen Points. On the last point, Wilson encouraged the nations of the world to unite under an association to preserve world peace, and to resolve conflicts between nations. Henceforth, the League of Nations, a unity of sovereign countries, became established to accomplish this …show more content…

In the instance that a draft becomes instituted, the soldiers fighting may be doing so against their own beliefs. Regardless, the men and women that choose to fight will experience horrors like no other; the likelihood of their survival dwindling as the situations worsen. However, even if they live to tell the tale, they may not escape the traumas of PTSD, which could plague them for the remain of their lives.

If the price of war had as much of an impact as it should on politicians, the number of wars waged would be significantly decreased. As a general rule, the only true justification for war would be when another government-run country attacks your own. In that case, the defending country should attempt to resolve the issue, and declare war if negotiations fail. Furthermore, in the United States, that should strictly be done constitutionally, with Congress creating a declaration of war.

Even in the instance where a foreign threat outside their government attacks a country, the defending nation should still take the higher ground and call upon the foreign nation’s government to resolve the issue beforehand, and declare war if the issue becomes unresolved. If nations feel justified in invading other countries without jurisdiction, the lives of the invaded - and the invaders - pay the

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