American Red Cross Essays

  • American Red Cross Case Study

    1468 Words  | 6 Pages

    The organization I have chosen is the American Red Cross. The American Red Cross is an organization led by volunteers to provide help to victims in disasters. According to our author he talks about the American Red Cross- South Central Connecticut Chapter. Just like any other organization that is around the world most have chapters which that chapter governs a specific spot for their specific needs around the world. In our case study Nancy Silverman is the main character. Nancy Silverman is a

  • Personal Narrative: The American Red Cross

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    a multitude of people and personalities. The American Red Cross is the wonderful organization where I get to serve my community and gain experience applicable to my future career. I will assist in blood drives, spread community preparedness, and educate others. Clara Barton founded the organization in the spring of 1881. During the infancy of the program, the main duties were disaster relief, restoring peace, and being a liaison between the American military and others. The addition of first aid

  • American Red Cross Leadership Essay

    1050 Words  | 5 Pages

    for people and humanitarianism led to her eventually forming the American Red Cross in 1881 (Harmen, 2010). By forming the American Red Cross she was able to help people who suffered from war and natural disasters to get medical attention and supplies. Clara Barton could not do reach all of these populations and provide all of those supplies on her own. She clearly had the necessary leadership skills to begin the American Red Cross which still functions to this

  • American Red Cross Essay

    711 Words  | 3 Pages

    AMERICAN RED CROSS “The door that nobody else will go in at, seems to always swing open widely for me ” - Clara Barton. The American Red Cross has had an Impact not only on American Citizens, but people all over the world. This charity offers a variety of assistance such as blood donation, food, and overall aid to individuals who have experienced calamity from war to natural disasters. Due to this charity’ long history of helping victims, I believe that people should take the time to contribute

  • How Did Clara Barton Contribute To The American Red Cross

    702 Words  | 3 Pages

    an educator, nurse and founder of the American Red Cross. She started working in the U.S Patent Office when she became a teacher. She also was an independent nurse during the civil war. She worked with an relief organization known as International Red Cross. The American Red cross was founded 1881, Barton served as a first President. Barton spent most of her life in the service creating an organization that still helps people now today the American Red Cross it was during the Franco Prussian War

  • How Did Clara Barton Contribute To The American Red Cross

    625 Words  | 3 Pages

    to help others in need. During the Civil War, she became a nurse and helped many wounded soldiers. Once the war was over she continued her work of helping others by creating the American Red Cross. Clara Barton was an American nurse, suffragist and humanitarian who is best remembered for organizing the American Red Cross. On Christmas Day 1821, Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born in Oxford, Massachusetts. After her oldest brother David's accident, Clara found the need to tend others with serious

  • American Red Cross Clara Barton Character Traits

    1932 Words  | 8 Pages

    women in American history. She spent much of her life caring for and inspiring people. Throughout her life she was a teacher, a nurse, and a great organizer. When she taught she helped and inspired the kids to do better. When she nursed people she comforted and cared for them. By founding the American Red Cross she took care of people during disasters and inspired people to help each other. Clara Barton helped many people by teaching them, nursing soldiers and others, and by founding the American Red

  • How Did Clara Barton Contribute To The American Red Cross

    569 Words  | 3 Pages

    Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross Clara Barton was a nurse during the Civil War and founded the American Red Cross. She was an independent, strong woman who spent her entire adult life helping victims of disasters and wars. Even at the risk of her own health and safety, Barton continually found ways to contribute to the welfare of the world. Whether she was in the trenches treating soldiers, establishing a cemetery, distributing supplies, or founding the American Red Cross, Barton always gave

  • Why Is Clara Barton Important To The American Red Cross

    1417 Words  | 6 Pages

    What help does this organization actually offer the ones in need ? There are many people who put an effort in building this organization and keeping it active, but The American Red Cross would not be what it is today if it was not for the efforts of Clara Barton. Clara Barton is said to be one of the most honored women in American History. She was one of the first women to ever gain employment in the federal government. Clara Barton also began her teaching profession at a time when the only other

  • How Did Clara Barton Contribute To The American Red Cross

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    the medical field in the 1800s. Clarissa Harlowe Barton was an American Pioneering nurse who founded the Red Cross. She was also a hospital nurse in the American Civil War and was known to have saved thousands of lives. According to Anderson of the Gale Group, “Clara Barton was a very successful worker and always loved helping others, teaching them and caring for them” (Gale Group). In Clara`s lifetime, She has been an influential American, she has created programs to help so many suffering to carry

  • How Did Clara Barton Contribute To The American Red Cross

    524 Words  | 3 Pages

    Have you ever asked yourself who is the most important person in history. Clara Barton has had more impact on American society and culture than any other person in history for the three following reasons she was a nurse in the civil war, she founded the American Red Cross, and she was a teacher/patent officer. Clara Barton was widely recognized for her remarkable leadership and humanitarian accomplishments. Presidents, generals, soldiers, and royalty recognized her great contributions to society

  • How Did Karla Barton Contribute To The American Red Cross

    843 Words  | 4 Pages

    An educator, nurse, and founder of the American Red Cross, Clarissa Harlow Barton, more famously known as Clara Barton, was born in 1821. Being a woman born into this time period, she faced hardships and struggled to compete with men and it was because of this that she was pushed towards taking care of people who were wounded or ill. She had her first calling at the age of ten where she nursed her brother back to recovery after he experienced a severe fall and it was not until forty years later

  • American Red Cross Analysis

    773 Words  | 4 Pages

    American Red Cross is a humanitarian organization founded by Clara Barton and her acquaintances on May 21, 1881 in Washington, D.C. Being an independent and charitable entity, Its devoted mission is to help those in need in the whole nation of the United States, and in connection with other networks throughout the world. This non-for-profit organization relies on substantial contributions of blood, money, and cost-recovery fees from the society to fund its lifesaving services and programs. It provides

  • American Red Cross Benefits

    307 Words  | 2 Pages

    000,000 dollars to give to a charity of my choice, I would give it to the American Red Cross. I would give the money to the American Red Cross because it has many programs to help people who need it. The American Red Cross gives their services to any one from a house fire to a hurricane. The American Red Cross has emergency vehicles to drive out and help with food water and health. The red cross makes a dramatic difference in our world today, they save life’s help the

  • American Red Cross Role Model

    591 Words  | 3 Pages

    traveled to Europe she worked with a relief organization called the International Red Cross and wanted to bring the same type of organization to America. Barton lived a life of service to others and had a strong heart and passion for providing relief to those in need. I chose her because her life serves as a model to my own; I strive to live a life of caring for others. Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross at the age of 60 in 1881. She realized the importance of caring for others and lived

  • American Red Cross Volunteering Advantages

    1044 Words  | 5 Pages

    available. Two wonderful opportunities that exist at the American red cross and my sister’s house. These two establishments are very different, but that is the beauty of the vast amount of volunteer opportunities that exist. There is an opportunity that will meet the needs and interests of everyone; therefore there are not any

  • American Red Cross Mission Analysis

    339 Words  | 2 Pages

    The mission of the American Red Cross includes oroviding relief, supporting millitary families, conducting life-saving blood drives, and teaching health and safety courses. In addition, the American Red Cross is broad in scope, providing services on a local, national, and international level. Most important of all, the Americaan Red Cross uses its donations wisely and therefore, it is safe to donate for a good cause. American Red Cross gives opportunity to 10 milion people a year to learn emergency

  • Financial Statements For The American Red Cross

    324 Words  | 2 Pages

    I reviewed the financial statements for the American Red Cross, a well-known not-for-profit organization. Based on their statements, the main source of revenue comes from contributions, which include individual and corporate donations, foundation grants, and legacies (The American Red Cross, 2022). While these contributions cover a significant portion of their program and support expenses, the Red Cross also generates revenue from products and services, contracts, investment income, and other sources

  • Case Study: The American Red Cross

    630 Words  | 3 Pages

    The American Red Cross is a humanitarian cause that I care about. The American Red Cross was founded in 1881 by Clara Barton. The reason she founded it was because when she visited Europe she heard about the international Red Cross and realized just how United States needed it. Red Cross’s mission is to give aid in national disasters and other serious disasters. It also gives education to needy children and emergency assistance throughout United States. (Our History / American Red Cross History.

  • American Red Cross Speech Outline

    745 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sedfrey Robles General Purpose: To Inform Topic: American Red Cross Statement of Specific Purpose: To inform the class about Red Cross and how that organization have helped many people. Thesis Statement: American Red Cross is one of the most helpful organizations here in the U.S. because it help/save many people with providing blood, shelter, support and tips to help us in terrible situation. I. Introduction a. Attention Getter - 5 amazing things red cross does to help and they help disaster relief,