Bromine Essays

  • Hydrochloric Acid And Sodium Thiosulphate Lab Report

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    Introduction The goal of the experiment is to examine how the rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Sodium thiosulphate is affected by altering the concentrations. The concentration of Sodium thiosulfate will be altered by adding deionised water and decreasing the amount of Sodium thiosulphate. Once the Sodium thiosulphate has been tested several times. The effect of concentration on the rate of reaction can be examined in this experiment. The chemical equation for this experiment is hydrochloric

  • Water Bromine Research Paper

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    When you go swimming in the summertime there 's Bromine in the pool. When it’s a summer night and you go in the hot tub there Bromine in the spa to. Science keeps growing awakening the world with new science. While you think there 's only water in the pool, your wrong. There are multiple different thing in the there but bromine helps water a lot. The name is bromine, the element does amazing things. It says ( “Bromine is the only nonmetallic element that is a liquid at normal

  • Chloride Ions Vs Bromine Case Study

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    which is the better nucleophile, chloride ion or bromide ion? Try to explain this. Bromine is a better nucleophile. The chloride ion is more polar since it is above bromine on the periodic table and is more prone to hydrogen bonding due to its smaller size. Chloride ions are worse than bromine ions for nucleophilic attack, because the chloride ions are fully solvated and are not as available to attack. This is why Bromine ion is better nucleophile because is less electronegative and is willing to give

  • S. N. 2 Bromine Lab Report

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    You wish to substitute the bromine in the following molecules with a nucleophile. Explain whether the given molecule would react by S_N 1 or S_N 2 mechanism and explain why. 1-methyl-1-bromo-cyclohexane: S_N 1 mechanism because after Br leaves (leaving group departure) then it is a tertiary carbocation which is favored more in this type of mechanism. 1-bromopropane: This would react by S_N 2 mechanism because it is a primary alkyl halide, which undergo this type of mechanism. Also the nucleophile

  • Bromination Of E-Stilbene Lab Report

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    carbons attackss molecular bromine which in turn breaks the bromine-bromine bond. The attacked bromine forms a cyclic bridged bromine ion intermediate with a positive formal charge on it. While centered in between phenyl groupscarbons, the bromine that was notn’t attacked gainsned the electrons from the bromine-bromine bond making the molecule negative. The nonattacked bromine then attacks one of the carbons breaking one of the the bridged bromine bonds. The nonattacked bromine ends up on the opposite

  • Synthesis Of Vanillin Lab Report

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    determine where the electrophile is added onto the ring. Figure 2. Bromine Production via Potassium Bromate and Hydrobromic Acid.1 As the name implies, the bromination mechanism in an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction that replaces an atom on the ring with a bromine atom. The addition of the bromine is driven by the presence of a Lewis acid catalyst and a bromine atom. In most bromination mechanisms, liquid bromine is the preferred reagent to complete the reaction. However, due to potential

  • Cis Conformation Lab Report

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    Then test tubes A and C contained bromine. Test tube A was placed under the light and test tube C was placed in the dark. After the reactions occurred, test tube A was the only test tube that contained a white solid and was vacuum filtered. It was then washed with DCM and the leftover substance

  • Which Chemical Is The Sanitizer For A Hot Tub Or Pool

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    are Chlorine and Bromine. Chlorine is the most widely used pool/hot tub sanitizer, it comes in liquid, granular or tablet form. Tablets are best for keeping a steady supply of chlorine over a long period of time, while liquid

  • Cholesterol Synthesis Lab Report

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    bond electrons can easily bond to other atoms. The addition of a halogen, in this experiment, bromine, creates a vicinal dibromide. The mechanism behind this addition reaction begins with the bromine-bromine bond breaking due to an attack by the alkene nucleophile. This also ensures that bromine does not end up with more

  • Methylcyclohexene Lab Report

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    A control was used to compare the reactant and the product, showing a clear appearance that would indicate an alkene being present. Bromine was added to the reactant 4-methylcyclohexanol, and a reddish-brown color appeared, indicating that no reaction took place. Bromine was then added to the product 4-methylcyclohexene, and the clear appearance of the product remained, concluding that an alkene is indeed present. Discussion Given the results obtained post-experiment, the percent yield was

  • Methylcyclohexane Lab Report

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    tubes containing bromine, dichloromethane, and one of toluene, ethylbenzene, tert-butylbenzene, cyclohexane, methylcyclohexane, or more dichloromethane (control), were exposed to UV light; the other equal set of test tubes were placed in a fume hood with the light off. This set of test tubes was not fully in the dark. Once the bromine was added to each test tube, the color of each test tube was monitored, and the time that a color change occurred in each test tube was noted. Bromine is red; when the

  • Bromination Lab Report

    785 Words  | 4 Pages

    Bromination is a type of electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction where one hydrogen atom of benzene or benzene derivative is replaced by bromine due to an electrophilic attack on the benzene ring. The purpose of this experiment is to undergo bromination reaction of acetanilide and aniline to form 4-bromoacetanilide and 2,4,6-tribromoaniline respectively. Since -NHCOCH3 of acetanilide and -NH2 of aniline are electron donating groups, they are ortho/para directors due to resonance stabilized

  • Iphone Persuasive Essay

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    IPHONE 'S WEAKNESS IS BROMINE Superman has his kryptonite, Wolverine has Magneto and the iPhone has bromine. These are weakness 's I 'm talking about by the way. Apple has never advertised the fact that their iPhone is bromine proof and that 's because it 's not. Despite this fact, one individual decided to test this for us. As one can imagine, bromine destroyed the integrity of the iPhone. It looks like intense levels of chemical elements

  • Bromination Of E-Stilbene Report

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    Report Abstract Alkenes, due to the presence of C=C bonds, are prone to electrophilic addition reactions. this experiment aims to break the central C=C bond in E-stilbene and add bromine to those carbons. We will do so by dissolving solid E-Stilbene in dichloromethane (DCM) and adding liquid bromine. Since excess bromine is being used, we use sodium thiosulfate to remove it from the solution and separate in the separatory funnel. We then ice the dibromostilbene crystals, vacuum the solvent, and dry

  • Discussion Of 1-Butanol Into 1 Bromobutane

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    7) Discussion: The goal of this experiment was to covert 1-butanol into 1-bromobutane. By reacting 1-butanol with bromine, a nucleophilic substitution would occur where the alcohol group from 1-butanol is replaced with a bromine. In order for the -OH group to depart, its conjugate acid would have to be a strong acid. The conjugate acid for a hydroxyl group is water, which is a weak acid. To get the reaction to occur, 1-butanol would have to be reacted with sulfuric acid to protonate the -OH group

  • The Role Of Amputations In The Civil War

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    to stop more blood loss, though blood loss was one of the least common ways of dying. One of the most dangerous parts of an amputation was that it wasn’t very sanitary. The surgeons and doctors would use unsanitary and reused bandages which is why Bromine became an important part of operations, cleaning the instruments and such. The whole of the United States and the future of the world learned from the diseases and injuries from the Civil War. From the Civil War society has learned about anti-septic

  • Isomers Lab Report Essay

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    In this experiment, different properties of stereoisomers, specifically enantiomers and diastereomers, were analyzed. R-Carvone and S-Carvone, which are enantiomers, were analyzed for opposite plane polarization and different odor. An isomerization was performed on dimethyl maleate to convert it into dimethyl fumarate, a diastereomer. Isomers are compounds with the same empirical formula, but with different arrangements of the elements. Enantiomers, a type of isomer, are two compounds that are chemically

  • Koh And 2-Bromobutane Essay

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    The purpose of this experiment was to perform elimination reactions with two different bases: potassium hydroxide and potassium t-butoxide. We explored the principles of dehydrohalogenation, Zaitsev’s rule, Hofmann’s rule, and elimination. Using these strong bases eliminated problems that could arise due to by-products produced by substitution reactions, and also allows a study of effects on the product ratios because one base is stronger than the other and has different steric requirements and molecular

  • KCL: Ionic Bonds

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    is a covalent bond, due to it being hard to separate its 4 valence electrons so Germanium shares its 4 valance electrons to Chlorine therefore making 5 full outer valence shells. BrCl is a covalent bond. Chlorine has a high electronegativity then bromine, and is a dipole-dipole which indicates to why it has a low melting point. Lastly CrCl3 is an ionic bond. Elements have melting points and how metallic an element is determines the melting point. When the element is metallic the melting point is very

  • Analysis Of E-Stilbene Lab Report

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    able to successfully synthesize meso-stilbene dibromide. The reaction of bromine with alkenes is an addition reaction where the nucleophilic double bond attacks the electrophilic bromine