Claustrophobia Essays

  • Literacy Analysis Of The Elevator By William Sleator

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    The Elevator: Literacy Analysis We all have fears in life,or at least things or places that makes us feel very uncomfortable. William Sleator shows that Martin is unable to overcome his fears by building suspense and showing that Martin tries to avoid the elevator. He is claustrophobic, paranoid, and may suffer from cacomorphobia and scopophobia. I have a fear of death and it’s called necrophobia.The reason I have a fear of death is because I don’t want to die.I don’t want to die because what

  • Theme Of Fear In Lord Of The Flies

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    The Power Of Fear in “Lord of the Flies”: No Greater Illusion Than Fear Fear is intangible yet has perceptible effects. It plays a significant role in human behaviour. Each individual reacts to fear differently, some overcome it, while others give in to it. In William Golding’s “Lord of the Flies” the theme of fear is discussed and it becomes clear that fear has the power to take over not only one’s mind but also control one’s actions. The collective fear of the unknown leads to the untimely

  • Isolation In The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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    Sometimes being alone can be beneficial for some in small doses, however constant loneliness can annihilate a person. Edgar Allen Poe explores how isolation strengthens internal fear which leads to the metal break through “The Fall of the house of Usher.” The narrator's experiences are explained in great detail along with Poe dropping hints at what is to come throughout the story. He explains the extreme isolation of the Usher’s in order to convey the impact has on the body and mind. Poe uses the

  • Analysis Of Robert Plack's An Echo Sonnet

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    Death is the ultimate unknown, will it bring sorrow or a feeling of fulfillment? This quandary of humanity is explored thoroughly in the poem “An Echo Sonnet” by Robert Plack. It details a speaker conflicted about his interest to continue living, since both options present a mystery in what they will bring to him. This internal dilemma is constructed through multiple literary devices that function to connect emotions of despair to the poem’s focus.. Specifically, the poem’s _________, ________,

  • The Negative Effects Of Fear

    1882 Words  | 8 Pages

    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown,” (Lovecraft). Fear is a universal emotion that all humans, children and adults alike, feel throughout all of their lives. It could start from being scared of the dark or of the monster under the bed, to evolving to the fear of being left alone or the fear of not knowing what to even be scared of. No matter what the fear is of, it is a strong emotion that can affect the way everyone

  • Machiavelli's Views On The Power Of Fear

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    Simon Sinek once said “Great leaders do not need to act tough. Their confidence and humility serve to underscore their toughness.” In “The Prince”, Machiavelli states that it is better to be feared than loved. Every leader produces varying amounts of fear within his subjects simply because he holds the power. This fear is very low in the leader that is loved because of the respect and admiration in which he is held by his people. A good leader is able to have respect, loyalty, and an efficient workforce

  • Ways To Alter Fear

    750 Words  | 3 Pages

    HOW TO HANDLE FEAR What should you do when you encounter fear? Here are a few suggestions... ALLOW IT Fear always brings out the fight or flight response. This is the way our bodies have prepared for action which is a result of millions of years of evolution. You develop fast reflex, increased strength, pumping muscles and greater awareness. It won't work for you unless you use it and learn how to control it. You learned how to allow fear by recognizing it, acknowledging it and making room

  • Examples Of Conformity In The Alchemist

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    When realizing a dream, one often comes face to face with the fear of failure. This fear pressures the individual into conforming in a variety of ways. One may perceive conformity as an asset that helps an individual to pursue his dream; however, conformity is, in actual, a setback that “convinces [individuals] that it will be impossible for them to realize their Personal Legend” (21). One character that displays this fear in The Alchemist is the crystal merchant. Unlike most individuals, the crystal

  • Fear In President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Four Freedoms Speech

    413 Words  | 2 Pages

    Fear exists all around us, there is no true freedom from it; it is a basic human emotion. At some point in a person’s life, they will experience fear. However, the ability to overcome this fear is what humanity recognizes as “freedom from fear.” Whether you are skeptical about jumping into a new relationship or the ones you care about are in great distress and need your help, fear will try to block you from achievement. Nevertheless, thinking will not overcome fear but action will; a statement that

  • Judgment In The Crucible

    973 Words  | 4 Pages

    Everyone is told from a young age to not let fear run their lives – maybe this is because they will lead a short and unhappy life, or maybe it’s because fear augments judgment and leads to poor outcomes. In Arthur Miller's, The Crucible, fear is shown to do the latter. The Salem witch trials were a time filled with fear and poor judgment, and the two go hand in hand. John Proctor and Abigail are the “poster people” for letting fear augment their decisions, and ultimately, seal their fates. John Proctor

  • The Chrysalids Fear Analysis

    765 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fear, it is the unpleasant emotion caused by the beliefs that is dangerous. Generally, one would have fear when they are in trouble or in need. In the Chrysalids, written in 1955, by John Wyndham the sense of fear gradually increases. Throughout the book, fear was definitely one of the big themes this was mainly shown when Mrs. Wender does all she can to protect her child, the fear of being different in their community and the fear of going somewhere unsafe. At a young age David’s family had a

  • Until I Eat This Thing

    724 Words  | 3 Pages

    Life rarely hands anyone pleasantries, and that goes for the prison, mortuary, and roadhouse businesses; which are incredibly unnerving to many people. These industries are essentially infinite even after a human 's demise. They are seemingly singular in focus and it all boils down to perspective, numerous things are multi-faceted — even facts. In the stories "The Last Stop," "I 'm Not Leaving Until I Eat This Thing," and "The Long Good-Bye: Mother 's Day In Federal Prison," they each have

  • Lord Of The Flies Fear Essay

    489 Words  | 2 Pages

    How does fear affect how people act? What is fear? First off fear is defined as an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that something is dangerous. Fear is also a powerful emotion that can affect people in many different ways including some negative ways like making people lose their sense of mind. In Lord of The Flies fear caused the boys to become scared of the unknown and changed the way they thought. Fear is a theme that is found throughout the entire book. In the beginning one of the first

  • Pessimism In The Alchemist

    1191 Words  | 5 Pages

    In the world where humans reside in today, a vast diversity of individuals strive towards their ultimate goals; one may endeavor to become a prestigious actor or perhaps a contented engineer. These varied, ultimate goals are “Personal Legends”; this phrase appeared in Paulo Coelho’s best-selling novel, The Alchemist, and he concretely defines the peculiar term “Personal Legend”. Throughout this novel, Santiago, a youthful shepherd, strived to follow his Personal Legend, finding treasure at the Egyptian

  • Psychological Fear In George Orwell's Animal Farm

    824 Words  | 4 Pages

    Psychological and physical are two of the many aspects of fear. Psychological referring to the aspect of the mind and physical referring to the aspects of the body. George Orwell’s Animal Farm covers both aspects used against people during the Russian Revolution - showing how both fear and power are able to rule and no society could ever portray the perfect, egalitarian society. The political allegory represents and highlights the truth of what Orwell believed - that because of human nature and greed

  • Monster Culture In Frankenstein

    1370 Words  | 6 Pages

    In Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s Monster Culture (Seven Thesis), Cohen analyzes the psychology behind monsters and how, rather than being a monstrous beast for the protagonist of the story to play against, “the monster signifies something other than itself”. Cohen makes the claim that by analyzing monsters in mythology and stories, you can learn much about the culture that gave rise to them. In Thesis 1 of Monster Culture, Cohen proposes that “the monster’s body literally incorporates fear, desire, anxiety

  • Class And Communism In George Orwell's Animal Farm

    1371 Words  | 6 Pages

    George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a classic work of literature that was published in August 17, 1945. Its impact on the communist ideas Americans held in the 1950s has made it one of the most influential books of its time. This simple story is an allegory for the Russian Revolution and has many hidden meanings to each character and event that takes place in the novel. Famous critics Harold Bloom, Kingsley Martin, Cyril Connolly, and Northrop Frye all review and explain the ideas that are shown in this

  • The Prince Moral Analysis

    947 Words  | 4 Pages

    As a young child, I picked up many things from my parents. One of those things includes my personal morals. I would say that my parents did an exceptional job at allowing me to figure out my identity because they allowed me to develop a moral sense that helps me decipher right from wrong. I think that their words and lessons taught me how to be a functional part of society. In The Prince, Machiavelli discusses that a prince should be generous, feared, and always keep his word. The statements mentioned

  • Political Issues In The Handmaid's Tale

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    In the 1980s, United States was experiencing the rise of conservatism. Under the presidency of Ronald Reagan, conservative religious groups were gaining popularity. In response to the social and political landscape, Canadian author Margaret Atwood published a fictional novel The Handmaid’s Tale in 1986; a genre of dystopian novels. The storyline projects an imaginary futuristic world where society lives under oppression and illusion of a utopian society maintained through totalitarian control. Dystopian

  • The Theme Of Guilt In Macbeth

    956 Words  | 4 Pages

    Guilt is a feeling that consumes a person and follows them around. This feeling usually happens when one has committed an offence, crime, violation or wrong act. It is the feeling of responsibility for this poor action that has been committed. The author of Macbeth, William Shakespeare, has wrote plays that capture a varying range of emotions that affect many walks of life. In this play, guilt is one of the most significant theme throughout, being displayed countless times. It teaches important lessons